Chapter 8

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Riele's POV

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Riele's POV

"Hey mom" Lee said running down the stairs to me as I sat on my wheelchair in the living room. "What do you want Lee?" I asked not looking up from the headband I was knitting.

"I'm bored and Danny doesn't want to play" he pouted, taking a sit on the couch. "I'm afraid there's nothing I can do about that. Sorry baby" I sighed keeping the knitting pins away to look at him. His brown eyes, reminding me so much of Jace's eyes

"Anyways where's your mom? RIELE?" she screamed for me. "She's over there" Lee pointed at me. I looked at Jade and she held a petrified look. "WHAT THE FUDGE HAPPENED?" she screamed as she sped over to me. I heard someone coming down from the stairs and in came Daniel

Sean and Corn came in and immediately Sean spotted me unlike the girl beside me. He rubbed his eyes twice to make sure he wasn't dreaming making me roll my eyes, 'Classic Sean'. "Riele? What happened?" he gasped walking over to me. "Long story" I sighed for the tenth time this afternoon.

Riele's POV

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Riele's POV

The door bell rang repeatedly making it was obvious who was outside. I sighed "Can you get it Jade?" I asked her and watched as she got off the chair towards the door. Her shoes made slightly crunching noise as they hit the floor when she walked

She swung the door open and in came an enthusiastic Ella with her family. Well that was until she saw me and all hell broke loose. She screamed like a banshee; an ear-piercing scream emitted from of her *O* shaped mouth.

"What in the world happened Rie?" she said unusually calm after the bloody scream she presented but I knew it was just the wind before the heavy storm

"Long story" I laughed awkwardly scratching the back of my head. "First take a seat" I pointed at a couch in the room and anxiously waited for her to sit. She narrowed her eyes at me but obliged making me breathe out in relief

Carl sat next to her with Demon on his laps. "Now I can explain how all of these happened" I pointed at myself then proceeded to telling them all that happened which resulted to hot stream of tears to fall down my cheeks

Once I was done I was a mess but I tried collecting myself together which proved difficult at first but I managed. "There you have it" I said watching everyone's expressions. Carl was beyond shocked; Sean had on a sympathetic smile; Jade's mascara had washed off her face, notifying me that she was crying as well while Ella's face held no emotion

I knew she was concerned about me and at the same time angry that I didn't call her sooner. "I'm sorry Ella. I didn't want to disturb you guys" I sighed watching her unmoving figure

"Is that an excuse?" she paused. "That's no excuse Riele. What if you were in a coma? Or worse had d-died?" her voice broke at the end as I heard Jade wailed.

"I know, I know and I'm sorry Ella. It was wrong of me, I agree. All my fault but please do not be mad at me" I pleaded

"I will not be mad for now but when you're all healed up I will kill you personally" she said doing the eye-to-eye sign making me giggle slightly.

"Now that that's over, the main reason I called you guys here" I started. "Guys! Jace is alive, believe it or not" I said as they all held shocked faces

"Are you sure?" Ella asked. "Because we all saw as he was lowered six feet under the ground" she said making me shiver as the horrifying memory flashed past my eyes again

"Positive. You know I won't lie about something like this" I said and just then Lee came down to drag Damon up the stairs with him.

"Hold up, Lizzy isn't here" Carl said in realisation as the other's eyes opened wide, clearly just noticing.

"She's at work. Plus she knows about it" I explained to them

"How?" Sean asked munching on a chip, a bag of chips on his left hand.

"Where did you get that? More specifically when?" I asked shocked, as he smirked

"In your fridge" he said munching on another

"But how?" Jade asked as shocked as I was.

"Ninja" he said flailing his hands making us roll our eyes

"Well Riele, I'm not so sure I can believe you until I see the proof and that will never happen because-" Jade got cut off as front door open and in came Jace

"Riele I'm home" he yelled only to freeze when he saw us in the living room.

"Why did you leave so early?" I asked glancing at the clock to see it strike ten pm. "Wow, I didn't know it was that late already" I said, shifting my eyes back to the people in the living room

Jace's eyes moved on each person in the room, from me to Sean then Ella then Carl, finally on Jade before he opened his mouth to speak. "Oh Hi Jade" he waved and Jade waved back but her hand was shaking

"Told you I wasn't lying" I commented, rolling my eyes only to see Jace flash me a look of confusion. "Never mind" I mouth to him to which he nodded

"I don't mean to be rude but who are you guys?" he asked the other people in the room who he clearly didn't recognise. Their looks of shock instantly became looks of pure confusion.

"You don't know who we are?" Sean asked and I was pained. Sean had been Jace's best friend for so long. Jace saying he doesn't remember him must've hurt Sean.

"I'm sorry no" Jace replied walking over to us

"But how did you know who Jade was?" Ella asked just as confused

"A memory" he shrugged having no full explanation. They all turned their attentions to me, requesting for an explanation

I explained everything to them and yet again Jade had tears in her eyes. She stood up in a flash and hugged Jace who was shocked but nonetheless embraced her in return. She detached herself from him "I'm sorry" she blew her nose with her handkerchief.

"It's ok" Jace smiled at her and just like that everyone, except me of course, stood up to embrace Jace in a group hug.

"I can't believe you're here. I thought you were gone, you know to the great beyond" Sean said as he sat on his seat alongside others

Jace forced out a laugh "Anyways, this is Sean, Ella, Carl and you know, Jade" I said pointing at each of them as I introduced. "Jade and Sean are married with a son Corn-" I was cut off

"Cornelius" Jade corrected shooting me a glare as I rolled my eyes

"Same thing, plus you didn't let me finish" I said to which she rolled her eyes. "Ella and Carl are married with Demon-" I was cut off yet again

"DAMON!" Ella yelled pulling her hair in frustration.

"Next time pick a better name" I shot an innocent smile at them making Jace snort resulting to a glare as a present from Ella

I was about to speak when someone burst into the house from the front door. It was Mary's friend from school, Babe. "Ms. Downs, Ms. Downs there's a problem. Mary is missing" she said out of breath as she panted

That was all I heard before everything became black.

A/N: I was able to do this because I had nothing to do all day

Hope you liked it

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