"I'm Juliet Crescent, Your last name is Lupin?" I asked foolishly
He nods
"That means Wolf in Latin you know"
He tilted his head slightly, the way a dog does when they get confused.
"Well, I suppose so...but I promise you, there is no correlation there at all" Remus told me, fidgeting with the hem of his sweatshirt anxiously. I didn't exactly take him for a nervous wreck, he looked as though if he put on some muscle and smiled the right way he'd be a proper prick like Sirius.
"Alright then Lupin"

I looked down at the table of journals, reminding myself of my reasoning for even entering the store.
The one that caught my eyes was black, leather bound and had a moon engraved into the front.

I went to pick it up but Remus had reached for it as well, our hands touched ever so slightly before retracting quickly, as if both of us were afraid of the other,  I couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm sorry" he muttered kindly, still looking as though he might curl into himself and disappear through a black hole

I grabbed the journal on top and he grabbed the next copy from the stack

"Looks like we're going to match this year" he commented sheepishly, holding up the book with  a chuckle in his voice.

"I suppose so" I agreed.

Remus and I walked up to the cash register laughing and discussing the upcoming year, he told me about his favourite parts of the school and gave me tips on how how to pass professor Slughorns potion tests.

"stay away from the Whomping Willow, that tree will wipe you out in seconds"

"Why would a school have a death tree, a bit suspicious isn't it...what if they're hiding something"

I joked, my eyes wide at the preposterous possibility. But this seemed to make Remus recoil, stepping away with a knowing look in his eyes and something that looked like violent sickness. I would consider myself a relatively observant person and standing next to the lanky mess of a boy, I couldn't help but think that Remus Lupin was hiding something he didn't want anyone to know and despite my curiosity, it wasn't a shred of my business.

"Calm down Lupin, I was joking, even if I wasn't, it's none of my business"

We walked out of the store talking and were immediately met with someone shouting

A blur of red and black seemed to have tackled Remus and his stack of books

I saved the books by casting Wingardium Leviosa mid flight but Sadly I couldn't save Remus from the tackle.

"Okay guys get off me"

I had realized that it was no blur that took Remus to the ground, it was two boys.

The boys reluctantly got off Remus's exhausted body and when I looked at them I realized it was Sirius, along with the messy haired boy from the photograph who had caused Remus to lose his oxygen supply.

"What are you doing with our Moony Crescent!" Sirius asked defensively, helping his friend up whilst gifting me his best death stare.

"Well Dog Star, I met dear Remus here in the book shop and we got to talking, that's all"

"Dog Star?" The messy haired boy asked, a amused smile playing on his face, the two words had clearly just given him an immense amount of joy.

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