Vegeta's eyes connected with Goku's once again before they moved back to stare at the face that was so similar to his own with gritted teeth. "Fine, then tell me what I came here to find out to prove you are sincere with your request into our family. Tell me who murdered Bulma."

"I cannot do that."

"And why the fuck not?!"

"Because Bulma wasn't murdered... She's still alive."

Vegeta ripped his brother out of his seat, pulling him mere centimeters to his face. "What the fuck are you talking about? I saw her enter that jet, and it exploded in front of my eyes. There was no way anyone could have survived..."

"But you haven't received the autopsy reports to confirm if Bulma's body was truly on that jet or not?"

Releasing Majin Bejita, Vegeta sat down as his legs gave way underneath him, relief flooding his body at the thought of Bulma being alive.

"Where is she? Where can I find her?!"

Majin Bejita downed the remaining liquid in his glass and placed several bills on the table. "Give me some time, and I will personally bring her to you."

"WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE!?" Vegeta yelled as Majin Bejita started to walk away.

"Give me some time, brother. I promise I will do everything in my power to bring her back to you unharmed."


Majin Bejita's house

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Majin Bejita's house

Bulma tried to figure out where she was in the world by exploring the dark mansion as days passed, never allowed to leave the premises as brawny men blocked her path whenever she started to stray too far. She was under 24-hour surveillance with no one willing to answer her questions, and she was growing angrier with each day that passed.

With a huff, she kicked the heads of several flowers in front of her before sitting on one of the many benches within the beautiful garden.

"I'll have the gardener remove these flowers since you seem to hate them."

Bulma turned to glare at the man who had disappeared without a trace after their initial meeting several days ago.

"How are you feeling, sweetheart?"


Majin Bejita smirked as he sat next to her.

"Still hate my guts, I see."

"I wouldn't hate you as much if you'd just let me return home. I don't belong here with you. Please, just return me to Vegeta."

Bulma was taken aback when his smirk turned into a sad smile, his hand lifting to move strands of hair out of her face.

"Would you like to hear a story?"

"No, I'd like to go home."

Majin Bejita chuckled and bent forward until his elbows were propped on his thighs before continuing to speak. "We have actually crossed paths a time or two before, many years ago."

Bulma stood to leave, but his arms wrapped around her waist gently as he went to his knees before her, gazing longingly up at her.

"Please stay and listen to what I have to say."

Her heart broke at the distraught look in his eyes, so different yet so similar to Vegeta's, and complied with his wishes as he buried his face into her stomach.

"As you might have deduced, I am in a similar line of work as Vegeta, but unlike my brother, I am not a don of a family and prefer to work behind the scenes."

Bulma couldn't help herself and asked him why they didn't work together since she had never heard of him from Vegeta, and he replied with the same answer he had given his brother, elaborating more about his cruel upbringing under the man who hated his real family. Bulma loosened his hold on her and sat on the bench as he remained on his knees, shocked at how their lives vastly differed.

"I should have been the one you fell in love with, not Vegeta."

"Why do you keep saying that?"

Majin Bejita sighed, moving to sit next to her before his eyes stared off into the distance.

"Several years ago, I was sent out on an assignment to a remote island off the coast of the Mediterranean Sea to eliminate a man who thought he was above my adoptive father. When on the job, I am usually given information on my target in detail, but this particular one, I was given nothing but my orders to take him out. I didn't even question it because it was my job to get rid of anyone that was a threat to us. After I was able to eliminate my intended target, that bastard told me who I had just murdered. I... I killed my own father, who I never got to meet, who I longed to meet."

Bulma opened and closed her mouth in shock, not able to form words at Majin Bejita's confession, as tears rolled down his face.

"If I had known, I would have never taken the job. I would have warned him about what Frieza was attempting and asked him to take me in."

"And what does this have to do with me falling in love with you first?"

As if he hadn't heard her question, his mind elsewhere, he continued his story.

"I was distraught after Don Frieza cackled over the phone about how I killed my own father and potentially my brother, and so I drank to forget what I had done, but there wasn't enough alcohol on that island to erase the memory of seeing him drop to his death on that roof. I stumbled my way around until I met you by coincidence along the beach at dusk. Even though I shouldn't have been able to see clearly due to the dark and my drunken state, I remember your beautiful face, thinking I had died and seen an angel. You were about to help me, but I needed to disappear before you got a good look at my face. When your back was turned to speak to the group you were with, I took a picture of your ID, disappeared before you realized what had happened, and followed you back to London – surprised we resided in the same country. You never knew it, but we passed each other quite often in the streets of London. I believe you fell so easily for my brother because his face seemed so familiar, and yet you couldn't quite place where you recognized him."

Bulma gasped as realization dawned on her. My dreams... They weren't of Vegeta, but of Majin Bejita.

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