Chapter 11 ~Stop~

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Rukia's P.O.V

What was this? Why is this happening? This was never meant to happen! What?

Sasuke pulled away, his eyes still flaming as he smirked, cocking his head slightly.

Oh I was so furious now. He just saw into all my memories and thoughts, but not only that, Sasuke Uchiha kissed me, AGAIN.

My lips curled in anger and embarrasment.

"Why...why did you DO that?" I asked, hissing at him, my cheeks burning as I looked away.

"Hmph," he grunted, not bothering to give a proper answer as he turned around and began walking away.

I was still tied against the tree and I was so flushed with embarrassment and my pride was deeply hurt. Not only did he insult me he had to kiss me. And what did that mean? He obviously had no feelings and certainly kissing me would mean nothing. So why did he? Just to surprise me? It's worked so far but I swear next time, I'll kick that little dick of his.

My bottom lip started to tremble slightly, even though I tried to refrain it from doing so. I bit my lip hard and clenched my fists. Water splashed onto my hand and I jolted. My eyes widened and I felt the tears continue to carelessly stream down my face as I made no move to stop them.

The hell? Why was I crying? Just because of a bloody stupid jerk laughing at me, I shouldn't be crying. I've been in worse situations.
I closed my eyes as my body begun to shake. The wire that was wrapping around me loosened and I fell forward off the tree. I leaned forward and clutched my head, sobbing quietly. A shadow leaned over me, opening their mouth but I cut them off harshly, "I don't bloody care about what you're going to say." I paused, gritting my teeth. "Leave me alone and find that stupid brother of yours."

I didn't make eye contact as I knelt up and swivelled around, stomping the opposite way. The tear stains were visible and I made no move to remove it. He had seen it all. Nothing mattered, what else was here to lose?

I swallowed and tucked my hair behind my ear. A corner of the forest was nearing and I was more than ready to never see Sasuke again. A cold hand touched my arm and gently with a harsh tug, Sasuke made me stumble back. His eyes looked into mine with no expression as he made a gesture to take my other hand. I refused too play his games any longer and screamed into his dick face.

"Oh my god. Sasuke, don't you fucking get it? You fucking used me to find out where your brother was. You stole my first kiss. You made my life hard. You just don't fucking know when to stop being a fucken jerk!" I screamed the last words at his slightly shocked expression. The tears had halted and the need to cry had vanished. I was panting after my long rant and yanked my arm forcefully out of his grip, turning around, once again, to walk away.

"I just want to live a ordinary life, is it too much to ask for, Sasuke?" I softly whispered as I shuffled with my head down, walking away.

"Rukia stop."

Sasuke's demanding tone startled me.

"If you were thinking I was using you, your wrong. Let me have a chance to speak and-"

"No." I stubbornly stated, still walking away.

I heard a loud sigh before I felt something big and comforting wrap around me.

"I'm not that type of guy to do this shit and I honestly don't know what to do." Sasuke admitted, his chin resting on my head gently.

"And Rukia I don't know how to show it or say it but I," he paused, "uh sorta like you?"

A tiny smile crept up my cheeks and it grew bigger as I lifted my arms up and wrapped it around him, enjoying the warmth that was spread between us.

"I'm mad at you." I bluntly said.

He looked down at me and smirked. "Well you don't want me kissing you so,"

I smiled really wide and stood on my tiptoes pecking him on the lips. "Whatever."

He smirked down at me and captured my lips, his tongue gliding along my bottom lip.

I pulled away and stood back from him, turning my back. "Sasuke, are you sure your heart is that cold?"

I winked at him from behind my fallen hair and laughed as I sprinted away from him. Sasuke smirked his cocky smirk and sprinted after me.


The End❤️

VERY SHORT STORY AND I HOPE YOU GUYS LOVED IT!! IF I SHOULD CONTINUE PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT!! I hope the ending was not cheesy and I tried hard to not make it cheesy. Sorry if the ending felt rushed but here it is :)

And by the way, this wasn't meant to be a reallllllllly lovey dovey story, gomen.

I thought I should end it because I won't have any more time to update. Thanks for reading!

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Are you sure your heart is that cold? ~Sasuke Love Story~Where stories live. Discover now