Chapter 3 ~Escape~

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Am I dead? Am I finally away from this cursed world?

Everything was black. I couldn't see anything. The world was spinning and my head was throbbing, horribly. I took a breath, my lungs burnt from trying.

I winced and opened my eyes. Still darkness. A faint chuckling was heard, not far away.

"Well hello little Rukia, dear. Seems your awake now, dear." A creepy snake-like voice slithered.

My brain was starting to function and I found myself in a dark room, I think I'm lying down, with my wrists chained to something.

Great, so I'm not dead after all.

"Don't," I winced, "call me," I coughed, rubbing my chest, "dear." I croaked just loud enough for him to catch.

I heard a deep chuckle followed by a cell door opening and closing.

"Lord Orochimaru, the test lab is almost ready." A guy that had white hair, almost slightly grey, with glasses came in and bowed deeply on his knee, in front of Mr Snake-creepy-man.

At the word 'test' I almost puked in Mr Snake-creepy-man face.

Ignoring my reaction 'Lord Orochimaru' nodded, "Good. Tell me when it's ready, as soon as possible."

Wait, Orochimaru? Everything came together like a puzzle piece. He. Killed. My. Clan. And. I'm. Going. To. Kill. him. I think furiously.

Bowing once again, he left, closing the door with a bang.

I rolled my eyes, I had to be left with HIM. I was tired of getting chained to this stupid wall, and I decided to make a plan for escape.

"Can you stop staring at me and get out?" I say, annoyed written over my face.

Another deep chuckle was heard. He stepped closer. Making the gap between us smaller.

"Um," I stuttered, forgetting about my revenge.

I flinched at the sudden touch of his icy cold hand on my left cheek. 'Lord Orochimaru' laughed at my reaction.

"Dear, it's okay. You and I know you can't kill me and no matter where you go. I will always find you." Murmured against my ear. I shivered as his cold breath, tickled my ear, unwantedly.

"Don't. Call. Me. Dear." I growled, moving my face so his hand fell down. He smiled, creepily, before walking out of the cell, finally leaving me alone.

I shivered and took a deep breath, "God that was sure creepy. But I need to escape." I mumbled.

I thought about what and how I can escape. For one, Orochimaru is quite strong, according to his chakra level. Two, the cell has nothing except me and the chains in it. Three, my cell door is locked... Or is it? Four, how do I get out of these chains. Five, there's like fifty winding hallways everywhere! Six, I kinda don't know where I am... Hehe?

Groaning mentally I thought of what I will do as soon as I'm outside, if I make it that is.

Well I don't need to go back to Konoha. I have everything I need already. Anyway who would miss me? Tsk, the jerks would probably be cheering themselves.

I could go and be a rogue ninja and join some organisation, it's not like I have anything better to do. Then I will plot how to kill him. That's right! I'll be a rogue ninja and train and train 'till I've perfected my Justus!

Gathering a thick blob of chakra on my index fingers, I made it into a long string, trailing up my arms, down my legs and wherever there were chains. With on flick of my fingers, it all snapped and fell.

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