Chapter 2 ~Keys~

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I growled. It had to be the jerk and his pesky gang. Standing ten feet away, dangling the keys and smirking. His comrades stand behind him snickering.

"Looks like Outcast is having trouble finding her keys." One of them says. The snickering came again and I show no emotion to them.

I hold out my hand, "Give it back." I say coldly.

"Why?" Another asks, nudging each other.

I rolled my emerald eyes and sprint up to Sasuke, trying to grab the keys. But he is taller and hoist it above his duck hair.

"Looks like shorty here is too short to reach it." The person who asks before, comments.

Sasuke replies with a 'hn'.

I narrowed my eyes, 'Trying to take them all out would be useless. Running away will be stupid. Standing here is even more jerky than Sasuke himself.' I groaned mentally. 'Well what choice do I have?'

Finally deciding, I charge up to his gang and kicked the closest one in the 'part'. Sai. He gives me one of his fake grins and says,"Outcast,"

Glaring daggers into him, I grabbed three kunai and throw it at Kiba behind me. He doesn't see it coming and blocks one out of three. The kunais pin his hat against the wall.

I smirked at the sight, "Tsk, why aren't you a stuck rat? Huh." I shook my head at Kiba, he was stuck to the wall. Not even glancing at the kick I swiftly blocked the kick that came flying towards my side. Neji. He tried doing his 56 palms or something. What? I don't study the names. But I know what their doing.

My eyes turn a dark shade of purple and everyone falls down, unconscious. "So stupid. Such a simple Justu yet they can't counterattack it."

Making sure their all down, I walk up to Sasuke's fallen figure and I was about to bend down when a rough hand wrapped around my throat, pushing me hard against the brick wall.

"Hn, you thought you got me under your little Justu?" He smirked against my left ear. "But you see. These house keys are going to go." I watched in horror as the keys were flung out into the ocean. I frowned, 'Tsk, I hate his strength how it can throw that far.'

Slowly I clawed my hands up to his hand and I try freeing myself from his monstrous grip. "Get off me!" My voice was rising a little.

Sasuke only tighten his grip on me and he cocked his head to one side. "Free my friends and I might consider letting you go."

"I can't free them if my hands aren't free." I choked. My breaths were becoming more shallower and I was squirming under his grip, still.

Raising an eyebrow, he dropped me like a live snake and I breathed deeply, rubbing my sore neck.

"Jeez jerk." I muttered and I decided to take a chance. My legs were still sore from the early mission I had. But I dashed off towards the ocean as fast as my sore legs let me. I grunted at the soreness but I kept going until I felt myself fall down flat on my back, gazing up at the night sky. The rain had stopped. Wait, I'm suppose to get my keys.

Trying to get up I found that something was on top if me. I looked up only to see Mr Jerk. What the hell?!

"Mind getting off me Jerk." I growled with anger. That was probably the only emotion I ever showed. Anger.

"Hn, no." He smirked and shifted his weight and moved down a bit. I wiggled a bit, uncomfortable of a position.

My hands were free still free. Good. I shoved with all the remaining chakra I had left and huffed. "Get the hell off me. Jerk."

Mr Jerk only smirked in response. He grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head. Shock was written over my face. My first emotion showed in ages.

"Emotion, hn." Sasuke's onyx eyes looked into my green ones. He leaned down and smirked, again.

"Release my friends. And I will release you." He taunts.

Having no choice I snatch my hands away from his grip and release them. Sasuke was already off me by that time. All his friends stood up dazed, rubbing their heads and blinked. They automatically followed Sasuke into the shadows.

I stayed there. I stayed where I was. I stayed, staring up into the empty sky. I stayed staring up into the lone moon. So lonely. Like me. I closed my eyes and open my arms. I stayed there....

Sighing I opened my eyes. My green orbs pierced the nights air. Hoisting myself up, I stood up, dusting myself up. I ran towards the sea. My eyes frantically looking for my keys. There. Surprisingly it was still floating on the waters surface.

"Yay! Swimming." I say sarcastically. I dive in, off a rock. The water soaks my skin and it refreshes me. I float there for a few moments.

"Hmm." I tried doggy paddling, well it sorta worked. I grabbed my keys and began swimming towards the sand when I suddenly felt myself being pulled away.

"What the hell?" I groaned. I hate my life, so much. Even if I call for help, who would help me? I hesitated. Bad mistake. The waves took advantage of my hesitation, pulling me even closer. Why was I so tired? I realised the water was slowly drowning me but also sucking out my chakra.

I was falling. Falling into darkness. I gave up. Swallowing a mouth full of water I coughed and I fell. Down, down, down. The last I saw was the shimmering water from the lone moon.

To be continued...

Sorry there really, really, really short chapters. I'll try to make them longer but I'm currently at the Gold Coast. Having fun! Like a 12-13 year old should do. Yay! -_- anyway, Hope you like it so far!

Ps: yes I'm young....

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