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All of us sat in our office, the guys editing some, playing some, basically just all of us hanging out. I was given some paper work to fill out to make the hiring process official so I was working on that. I guess I didn't have a true title, I can work in production, in editing, in basic office work, in social media, in marketing, and I can basically do whatever they ask.

"So you're a jack of all trades here?" Joven asked, editing a personal channel video.

"Pretty much, when I was in high school I made videos on occasion. I'm going to need some training on this new Adobe stuff but I know the basics. My degree kind of covers all of the production and media stuff."

"Fuck! I swear to God this game is cheating. There's no way I got a death shot, he shot me in the knee once!" Sohinki yelled from his desk on the other side of the room. The desks started with David's on the west wall, Matt and Joshua's on the north wall, and my little one on the east.

David started to speak, "don't worry Arria, I know you've seen videos where Matt is worse. Sometimes he throws things." In reply Sohinki threw an empty Coke can at him. "Douche." Then he went back to playing GTA.

I continued filling out what seemed like endless paperwork, but it really seemed worth it. I was so ecstatic about working with these people whom I’ve gotten to know over the past months. Everything before was basic stuff, nothing like going out for lunch or for dinner with the group and I didn’t go to any cons or meet ups or anything. Now I can be a part of some of those things, starting with our dinner tonight. I just need to stop home and check on Stark before I go out.

“Since you’re officially hired I’m pretty sure you’ll be getting quite the desk upgrade.” Matt said, pulling off his headphones, but his hood still remained on top of his head. He spun around to look at me.

I turned to face him. “That’d be laptop is junk. I know it can’t process even half the shit you guys have on your computers.” I did have a screen at my desk to hook up games to but I never played anything. “I think since I finished this paperwork I’m going to pull out my GameCube and play some stuff...”

“You really love playing classic games don’t you?” David asked. “I mean, Super Nintendo, GameCube, I saw a 64 in there too. You one of those crazy Nintendo elitists?” He began to laugh.

I pulled my GameCube case from under my desk. I brought it in earlier this week hoping to get some gameplay out of it. “Nah, it’s just stuff that I really know how to play. On these new systems all I’ve got going for me is the dance games. I am absolutely terrible at first person shooters no matter how often I would play like Call of Duty. I’ve played through most of Oblivion but I was never playing it as often as I would have liked too. I played all these Nintendo games after school when I had the time to as a kid.”

“Well now that you’re working in our department maybe you’ll get some more game play time.” Joven continued clicking on stuff on his computer.

“And you think you know how to play those games but Bomberman showed me wrong. You actually suck.” David got out of his chair and started helping me unpack my GameCube.

“I will beat you in something one of these days, I promise you.” We both looked at each other, eyes locking.

“When did you guys play Bomberman and why wasn’t I invited?” Sohinki said from across the room, still focusing on the screen.

David and I didn’t reply.

“Can you guys even hear me?” He tried again. “When did you guys play Bomberman and why wasn’t I there?”

We both snapped out of each other’s trance. “Last night.”

“That’s why David wanted to leave early...” Matt replied. “So you guys got some kind of uh, thing goin’ on?”

Joven became more and more focused on his computer.

“Yeah, we hung out last night, so what?” I tried to hide my blushing face by seemingly becoming more enthralled with the ‘tangled’ GameCube wires.

“Well screw you guys, I want to play some Bomberman. I cannot believe you would do that to me.”

I let out a slight sigh of relief. "To make it up to you do you want to play some Smash Bros Melee?"

Joven and Sohinki immediately turned around. "Hell yeah!" Matt yelled.

Let's just say I didn't do so well, because now I'm stuck eating this weird honey, salami, barbecue sandwich. "I never should have shook hands with you guys. I really need to prac-"

"You're stalling! Eat the damn sandwich Arria. You work here now so you have to do the challenges." Joven laughed, trying to shove the sandwich in my closed mouth.

"Think of it as our own little entrance ceremony." Sohinki said. "And you did shake hands so no take backs."

"I took a shot of sriracha and of ketchup, this is like nothing." David smiled, hand on my shoulder, "you should probably brush your teeth though."

I frowned at the losing trophy in front of me. It shouldn't be that bad. I went in for a bite and to show the guys I was okay I made an awkward food-in-my-mouth smile.

"It's good? Maybe we'll make it for you more often." Joshua continued to joke.

I instantly shook my head no. I finished chewing what bite I had and said, "it's like homemade honey barbecue. Except the salami doesn't go with it at all."

"Stop talking, eat the damn sandwich Arria. We have work to do." Matt laughed.

"Fuck you Sohinki, you don't have shit to do." I said then put another bite in my mouth.  

Joven looked at him. "She's right. Really the only thing we had to do today was that Why We're Single. Everything else was kind of optional."

"Just eat the sandwich! Stop stalling!" Sohinki said with defeat.

I finished the sandwich thinking about all the great things that are going on here. Everyone is so great and work always is a blast. "There, I'm done! You guys can stop." I smirked, wiping honey off the side of my mouth.

"Trooper..." David said. "But then again, that was like nothing."

Everyone walked back to their desks and continued working on whatever it was they wanted to work on. I sent my paperwork in to the main office. It was 3:30 already. "Alright guys I have to get going. Stark needs me. I'll see you tonight."

They all said goodbye and waved. David followed me out. "I can pick you up for dinner, if that's cool with you."

We both walked into the elevator. "That'd be great. We want to meet at 6 right?"

"So I'll get you at 5?"

"The restaurant isn't that far away, is it?" The elevator hit ground floor, we got out and started walking towards the door that led to the parking lot.

"No, but I'd like to hang out with Stark for a little bit." We made it to my red Chevy Malibu, he opened the driver side door for me.

"I guess that could work. You're quite the gentleman David." I set my bag in the passenger seat and got in the car.

"I try." He grinned. "Alright, gotta get back to work." David shut the door.

I rolled down the window. "I'll see you in a couple hours." I grabbed his hand and pulled him a little closer. In his ear I whispered "or you can just come over now." I moved my bag to the back and tapped the seat with my hand.

David raised his eyebrows. "What about my car?"

"It'll be here in the morning." I winked.

Instantly he ran upstairs, grabbed his things, and came back down. "Let's stop at my place first."


Here's another update for you guys! Enjoy some lovely office shenanigans. 


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