You saw his face and immediately felt your body relax. Having him here was a comfort. His eyes met yours and he rushed over to you taking your shoulders in his massive hands.

"Are you okay?" he said, looking you in the eyes. His were filled with dread and worry as they stared deep into your own.

"I'm fine," you paused looking away, his gaze too intense for you to keep contact, "thank you...for coming," you said softly.

"Were you here when it happened?" he asked. 

"Luckily no. I have a feeling they knew I was supposed to be going to Chicago this afternoon," you responded looking around your apartment with a blank expression.

Kylo hadn't known you were supposed to go to Chicago. You didn't tell him and you could tell that it hurt him, angered him a little, not to have known but he couldn't complain, especially not now.

"Do you have any idea who could've done this?" You knew if you did truly know, that Kylo would've left right then to hunt them down. You had your suspicions but you couldn't be sure.

"No, I don't know." It technically wasn't a lie but you said it like it was and Kylo caught on.

"What aren't you telling me?" His eyes narrowed in on your face.

You hadn't planned on telling him about the note. But after this, you thought you should. You grabbed his arm and pulled him off to the side where you couldn't be heard by anyone. You had hidden the note and pulled it out to show him.

"I got this in the mail last week. I had no idea who it was from..." you paused before you said the next part of your sentence to gauge Kylo's reaction when he saw what was on the note, "...or who it's talking about."

Kylo held the note in his hand, eyes staring daggers into the paper you were sure they would penetrate it. His whole body was tense and he couldn't stop clenching his jaw. When he finally was able to peel away his eyes, they found yours, searching for the answers to the questions he was too afraid to ask you.

"We need to talk," he said before crumbling the note in his fist.

The investigators finished their jobs and told you they would let you know as soon as they found the slightest bit of evidence. You expressed your concern about not feeling safe to stay in the apartment. They had offered to leave a patrol car outside of the building to keep watch but Kylo jumped in and said he'd be more than happy if you stayed with him for the time being. You were so frightened at the thought of being in your apartment, that you accepted. Kylo had offered Poe to stay with him as well but he was going to stay with Finn for a while.

You hugged your brother and told him to be safe as he did the same to you. Kylo walked you to his car and raced back to his penthouse without another word.

You entered his familiar home, duffle bag in hand, as he made his way over to the couch. He sat down and you could tell he was already more anxious than when you arrived.

"I called you today to tell you I was ready. Now I think it's as good of a time as any."

He paused as you watched him fiddle with his hands in nervousness as his head hung to his chest. You couldn't help but feel a pang of happiness in your heart that he was willing to do this. That he was finally ready to talk to you. 

"I want to tell you everything but-" he was squeezing the life out of his hands now, "but I just physically can't...not right now." He finally looked at you with pleading eyes. He was desperate to have you back and he hoped this would be enough. That his best would be enough.

You made your way towards him, sitting on the couch beside him, and taking his hands in your own like you did Halloween night. He still flinched at your touch, confused as to why you would want to.

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