Then it's a sickness, hopefully, he gets better soon. He has nothing to be jealous about, let's just say that. 

I woke up the next morning when my body was ready to wake up, which was around noon. That's still not that late, I'm not ashamed. I knew my dad had already left for work since it's Saturday but he only gets Sundays off. I went downstairs, pulling on a jacket cause it was a little chilly downstairs. 

I was making a cup of tea with some banana and toast when the doorbell rang. I sighed, leaving the kitchen and answering the door, hating the breeze it sent inside. I hate winter. 


"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked, extremely surprised. 

"I texted you this morning. Told you I'm bringing in snacks, it's a movie night." 

"I'm sorry, I um, I just woke up," I chuckled, rubbing my sleepy eyes. 

"That's okay," he grinned, "By the way, I invited Blake and Vince over, I hope that's okay. Vince really wants you to meet his girlfriend, that's kind of why." 

I continued making my tea while he set the snacks down on the kitchen counter. "That's okay. Hopefully, we get along," I shrugged. 

"You'll get along with her, trust me," he nodded reassuringly before pecking a kiss to my cheek. 


I am so glad that Jonah was right about Vince's girlfriend. She's one of the sweetest and funniest girls I've ever met. I think we'll get along great considering that we already are and I think our friendship will last. Her name is Willow. Since I forgot to mention that. "Is Blake even coming?" she asked, turning to Vince. 

He's the only one that isn't here and we're waiting on him so we can start watching some movies. 

"We can pick a movie till then," Jonah shrugged. 

"Then he'll come in mid-way and it'll ruin the mood," Vince rolled his eyes. "I'll call him." 

Just as he was about to do that, my doorbell rang. I went and answered, pushing myself off the couch and opening the door, coming face to face with Blake. "Um, hi," I said, stepping aside and making room for him to come inside. 

"You took so long," Vince complained. 

"Oh, yeah. That's fair. Send me to get all the hot chocolate and cocoa powder and then complain about me being late." 

"Um... I have hot chocolate and cocoa powder at home," I said hesitantly. 

They both looked at me and then at each other. "You couldn't even check before telling me to go?" Blake asked through gritted teeth, throwing the bag at Vince's chest. 

"Jesus." Vince shrugged, taking out the stuff from the bag anyway. "Can I make it?" he asked. 

"Sure, just let me know if you can't find anything," I smiled, going back to the living room. 

"I thought you weren't gonna show up," Willow said while Blake took a seat on the solo seat. 

"Why?" Jonah questioned. 

"He's here to be the fifth wheel. Who would show up to that?" she chuckled. Blake rolled his eyes at her and she turned to the TV, trying to pick a movie. 

"Wait for Vince," Jonah said, taking the remote out of her hands. 

"He's making hot chocolate for himself, not all of us," she groaned. "I'll go be the angel that I am and make some for you guys." She stood and went into my kitchen, joining Vince. Cue the awkward silence. 

"So, since you've lived here for such a long time, do you two know each other from before?" Jonah asked, putting his arm on the couch, around my shoulders. 

I glanced at Blake, not knowing if he'd want Jonah to know the truth. Because I didn't. 

"Kind of. We've been in the same class since kindergarten," he shrugged, glancing at me. 

"And you guys weren't friends?" Jonah questioned. His questions just keep coming, don't they? 

"We weren't enemies," he replied. "But we are now." My eyes clicked into place with his. 

"Enemies, why?" Jonah chuckled. He thinks Blake is kidding but I know better than that. Knowing Blake pretty much my whole life, I know when he means what he's saying and when he's just talking shit. He's not just talking shit right now, let's just say that. 

"Cause she's your girlfriend and I have yet to decide whether I like her or not." 

Jonah laughed, probably thinking that Blake was kidding. But he's not. I can see it on his face. He doesn't know whether he should move past what happened or hold a grudge. I don't blame him. I'd hold a grudge too but now that I'm in this position, I don't want him to. Cause I'm the guilty one. 

"I'm sure both of you will get along, you'll love her," Jonah said confidently while he tucked loose hair behind my ear. I gave him a small smile in response. He's my boyfriend but since I met Blake, my brain has been focused on him. It's time to snap out of it. I have a relationship to cater to. Things last if you take care of them. My dad used to say relationships are like plants. You have to water it little by little every day, feed it.

"Maybe I will love her," Blake shrugged. Am I reading him correctly? He doesn't mean like love me, love me, does he? He just means like he'll love me as Jonah's girlfriend. Not like... love me. "Who knows, maybe I'll steal her away," he arched a brow at me. 

"You're not funny," Jonah rolled his eyes. 

"Hmm," Blake rolled his eyes in response too. 

Once Vince and Willow came back and we finally settled on watching The Grinch, we all fell into silence and focused on watching the movie. It was horrible. 

The whole day consisted of me and Blake making eye contact and me looking away cause I was too nervous to hold it. Couldn't get worse. 






Chapter 5

Sorry I haven't been updating as much but basically I've got art mocks coming up so we're preparing for that and I just got stupid fucking painful ass Invisalign but I mean at least I can take them out for eating. 

If someone has ANY tips on how to prevent like cuts and blisters on my lip PLEASE help me 

next chapter: god  

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