Chapter 17

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We raced back to camp and ran into Hollystar's den. I didn't even have time to explain the problem to Robinpaw and Puddlepaw. Leaving them confused at the tunnel supprisingly it was still sunhigh and the message said we had a moon to perpare. But we wouldnt be able to tell wich apprentace would go with us untill the day we had to be off by. As we entered I saw Hollystar sitting with Fernwing and Mousewhisker, my siblings mentors and Wolfheart. "We need to talk." And from the fear in her voice Hollystar easily  dismissed my siblings mentors. Then they looked at us, "this better be more important than warrior cerimonys." 

Dappleheart said, "Last moonpool we had a group dream, amd earlier today we had a group vision, and we have come to the disicion that we must journy to the mountain on the next full moon with 1 warrior, one apprentace, and both medicine cats from each clan. We have a full moon to get ready. But we must leave before the blood moon."

Hollystar thought of this and told them, "I will have Puddlepaw, Robinpaw. Grasspaw, Harepaw, Swiftpaw, and Thrushpaw all train with their mentors for this and I will have the warriors sharpen their skills, I will also tell them that a fox pack has moved to the lake and that other clans told you that."

Then she padded out of the den and said, "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather before the highrock for a clan meeting!" All the cats padded up and Hollystar announced,

"I have heard from my two medicine cats that there is a fox pack near our boarder, another clan told us this so they are ok. We must sharpen up our skills incase they decide to attack. Warriors, I want you all to battle train but make sure you hunt too. Brownfur will orgenize the potrols, Apprentaces, I want you to do battle training one day hunting the next and apprentace chores the day after." Elders you will probably have an apprentice every day but if you dont please dont hesitate to let me know, also I want your skills sharp just incase."

Everyone seemed to visibly tense up but for me it wasn't because of the "fox" it was because Thrushpaw was looking at me.

Then Dappleheart spoke up, "also if anyone wants to be a temporary medicine cat for when we go to gatherings or moonpool, meet me in my den." Then all the clan went back to duties. I grabbed a mouse and went to the apprentaces den but not before i saw Sunfur go into the medicine den with some merigold." 

I put my mouse down a heard a voice snicker, "well well well, haven't seen you around lately, care to share that mouse?

"Puddlepaw I know it's you and I have to learn alot, also I sleep in the medicine den so I know when you are hidden, also yes we can share the mouse." 

"How!" He said supprised. 

"Also come out Robinpaw Grasspaw Harepaw Swiftpaw and Thrushpaw."

"How!" Was all they said when they came out.

"Easy, 1 I saw all of you were out at the time I aske Puddlepaw if he wanted to share a mouse 2 I got that trick used on my at the moonpool gathering. 3 I asked your mentors where you were when I found none of you in camp and all your mentors in camp."

Then the other apprentaces got mice and Grasspaw, Harepaw, and Swiftpaw all anounced that they were becoming warriors today then a while later Dappleheart called me to the medicine den. Wen i came in I saw Heronstrike in there and Sunfur next to her, "Heronstrike was complaining about a bellyache. See what you can do. I told her to lie down and put my paws on her belly. It was swollen. I knew what It was


"Sunfur go get some yarrow please." Dappleheart interrupted, after he left she said,"contunue"

"Heronstrike, I said again, you're expecting kits."

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