Chapter 14

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Hi this is Alpha Wolf and since you probobly grow tired of me sayong this Ill get Jayfeather to say it.

Jayfeather: No i'm not saying it

Me: What are you not saying?

Jayfeather: ha you cant fool me with the Alpha Wolf doesnt own warriors trick. Oh no.

Me: Ha Well what he said now lets get on with the story.

Chapter 14

When I woke up I saw Dappleheart staring at me and nudging me with her paw. "Lillypaw, today we have to gether herbs before the gathering." 

Then I jumped up! Today was going to be the gathering! It has been a Half-moon seince we went to moonpool for the first time and I have gotten to know the other apprentaces peretty well there were 7 including me 

Litter 1 (Flowerpetals litter) (8 moons old) Grasspaw, Harepaw, Swiftpaw 

Litter 2 (Pebbleheart's litter) (7 moons old) Puddlepaw, Robinpaw, Me

Then was Thrushpaw his mother Yarrowclaw died soon after he was apprentaced

We hung out alot when we wernt busy especially me and Thrushpaw. Then I asked Dappleheart, "which apprentaces are going to the gathering?" 

Dappleheart looked sad but it was gone before I could really notice it. "The apprentaces that are going are,  you because you are going to go more often than the warrior apprentaces,  the others that are going are Puddlepaw, Robinpaw, and Thrushpaw." I was exited, I would get to introduce my littermates to my new medicine cat friends. 

As if reading my thoughts  Dappleheart said, "You may introduce the others to your adopive litermates, but make sure they know your their adopted littermate so they dont ask, I know Puddlepaw and Robinpaw knew but they dont know that they know."

I understood if I introduced them as my littermates then they'd ask if they were twolegs too which in turn My littermates would ask how they know that I was a twoleg and that would bring up questions that I couldn't awnser.

"Come on. We better stock up, were running out of marigold and poppyseeds, I have to stay at camp so take another apprentace with you, Puddlepaw and Robinpaw have the day off so go ask one of them before they go out hunting." As she said that I raced out of the den.

I went over to the clearing where Puddlepaw and Robinpaw were getting up and heading to the clearing, "Hey!" I said, "I'm out to collect herbs and I have to take an apprentace with me. We are just going around the teritory but if any clan starts to attack I'll need protection." I said sarcastically.

"Robinpaw will you go with me? We haven't  hung out in a while."

Then after Robin paw agreed we went to the Windclan border and as I was gathering a Fishey scent wafted over to me and I heard Robinpaw hiss,

"What are YOU doing here."

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