She walked into her favorite room in the house and sat down comfortably at one of the couches. She looked at the room with four walls and noticed it was the same as it was when she was last here. The dark oak furniture spoke of elegance that only the richest could afford, while the grand piano in the middle of the room was one of the attributes that made her have a special place for this room. 'No matter' she reminded herself, 'I might never see this room again.' The young man sat on the black chair near the piano and started to play some relaxing notes. She threw her head over the black couch she was occupying and sighed. This piece was her favorite. It always had a calming effect on her, even in the darkest of times.

The rain outside was slowing to small droplets as the music started to fade. There were two arms on her shoulders relaxing her instantly. Those hands belonged to the one man that made her fall in love with one glance. She remembered the day she met him as clear as crystal; The fancy music, the judgmental people. She was just a small teenager, the same age as him. He was invited to her family ball, just before her coming out party. He was as graceful as ever stealing glances and dancing the night away. They instantly had a connection; it was obvious even to the blind. She remembered as he asked her to dance. Of course she had accepted, a man as graceful and as handsome as he, would always take her off her feet. The other young men at the ball eying the pretty vampire from one of the three families, couldn't hold a candle next to this gentleman. He had been polite, nice and courteous. He had made it clear that he didn't want her just because she was a member of one of the prestigious families in the community, and that he valued her opinion. She had taken an instant liking to him. She wanted a man who treated her like an equal, a person that would take her opinion seriously and would listen to her passion.

She was brought out of her musings when she heard the deep voice of her lover. "What's wrong?" He asked. His voice full of concern, his eyes deep with love and passion he only possessed for her, his eyes soft as he continued his ministrations. "I talked to mother today." She said. He knew what this meant. Her mother brought nothing but bad luck to them. "I had to sneak out to get here. After you were exiled, she put higher security on me. She's with me every hour of every day." She sighed as she remembered her earlier conversation with Echidna Orion. "Cygnus, she wants me to marry Eros Hercules." Cygnus' hands went to his head as he thought about what this meant.
"I am sorry Cygnus. But I have to." She answered as tears started to flow down her cheeks. Her hands covered her mouth as all her resolve faded and she started sobbing into her hands. Cygnus looked at the woman he loved and said, "Well Hydra, you are really going through it?" He asked looking as if he wanted to hear anything but that. Hydra raised her head and said, "I have no other choice." She sobbed as she remembered the conversation she had with her mother. "What do you mean you have no other choice Hydra? You do have a choice. I chose. I chose to live in hiding because of them! You know what they are like! You do have a choice... So, don't say those words... Please..." He nearly begged.

Hydra looked up at him with teary eyes and said, "That's not the only reason I came here today." Cygnus was alarmed. What more bad news could she bring in one day? At Cygnus' questioning look, she continued to deliver the news that one day could be the death of them. "Cygnus... I'm pregnant." She said. As soon as he heard the words that were spoken he wished he hadn't. He held his head in his arms and sighed. Hydra looked as his posture slanted and he sat down, in a clear sign of defeat.

He clearly did not want to have a child this young. Just as she was about to give up and head for the doors he asked, "How... How far along are you?" Hydra sat back in her inhumane position and said, "A month." He quickly got up looking at her with a strange look in his eyes. His expression turned from defeated to hopeful, when he said, "Please... Hydra. I love you. We can leave. We can raise the child on our own. I want to be a part of my child's life." Hydra looked at him peculiarly. More tears started to fall.

He kneeled and wiped her eyes that were quickly stemmed with tears. "we- we.. Can go somewhere far away... Wh-Where people won't find us. We can do it. We- can raise it together. It can grow up the way we never got to, With love and freedom."
Soft sobs could be heard from the woman as she looked at the man she adored. He reached out tentatively and wiped her tears as if they were diamonds. "We could leave. We could go far away and never come back." He urged for a response. She looked at him as he swiped her black colored hair out of her eyes. She slowly shook her head, her sobs becoming too loud in the empty house. "They'll find us..."
"you know they will...why would you want to put the innocent baby in the way?" She screamed out of frustration. Cygnus, who had never heard the calm woman yell, stepped back in concern for himself. "Ahhhhh!" She yelled the last of her resolve breaking down. For what seemed like hours, the only voice in the house was that of Hydra breaking down.

"WHY!!!" She yelled at nothing in particular. "Why me! Why can't I leave a normal life?" She asked. Cygnus kneeled beside her and took her hands in his. "You can. We all can. If we leave now they'll never know. They will look but I have a secret sanctuary we can go to. Please... I beg of you... Come with me. I can give our child the home it deserves. Please." He begged.

Hydra looked at the man begging her to go with him. But, she knew different. She knew that she definitely loved him and she knew that she loved him and she knew that he also loved her, he loved their child; the product of their love. But she also knew that her family and everyone on the high ranking of their society would be looking for her the moment she disappeared. They would probably think that she was kidnapped by him.

She shook her head as if reassuring herself that this was what she wanted. "No... I can't come with. You go on without me. I will raise the child like you would want me to; with love and affection." She whispered fearing his reaction. His pupils dilated and his fists clutched. "What do you mean?" He asked, barley restraining himself. "I and the baby can't come with you. The baby has to know of its tradition, its wonderful culture. I will raise it with all the love I could have." She said looking at the floor. She looked up to see fury etched across his angelic face. "You cannot keep me out of my child's life!" He yelled, his face getting redder by the moment. He got up from his position and starred at her with an unblinking gaze. "We can't give it everything it could want. Leaving in fear... Leaving in hiding, because of its paternity? I will not allow my child to grow up like an escaped convict!" She yelled, standing up to meet his height.

"Would you rather have it sired by Eros Hercules?" He asked his eyes radiating his anger. "I would rather have him father the child, rather than make it leave in fear!" She yelled back, her previous sadness turning into anger, leaving her eyes dry of tears. "Why are you here then?!" He asked. And for the first time that day she didn't have an answer to the questions asked. "Why tell me that I have a child, if you're not going to let me be a part of it?!" He asked. He unconsciously started shaking her shoulders as if urging her to tell him her secrets. She broke out of his grasp and yelled back, "Because you are its father and you deserve to know!" He looked at her and said, "Well, why do I deserve to know if I can't do anything?! If you are not going to let me father it then Go!" He shouted. When she looked at him with shock, he said, "go!" She held her head in her hands as she made her way out the grey house, never to come back again.

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⏰ Última actualización: Dec 04, 2020 ⏰

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