Moving Away.

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Spaghetti loved moving. She wanted to see more places, and travel, ever since she learnt the world was more than her little state of Pennsylvania. But most of all, she wanted a new start. For her and Myrtle.

Away from the friends who only saw as the awkward little nine year old, with no one to pick her up after school. When spaghetti started school in Pennsylvania, she didn't know how to make friends, or what a good friend was, and like they always say, you never get a second chance to make a first impression.

And unfortunately for spaghetti, in Pennsylvania, that impression stuck. She was looked down upon by the other little girls, stared at in confusion by the little boys, and wondered at with false pity by her teachers. All in all, she wanted a new impression, now that she knew what to do.


Myrtle woke spaghetti up nice and early, on the twenty fifth of June, the second day of he summer holidays. She wanted to get going. They packed up all of their belongings, which only fit into one suitcase, and went to the bus station. It was the cheapest way for them to travel.

The ride took twenty hours, unless you stopped in Tennessee overnight. That was just too expensive for them, and myrtle hopped spaghetti would make it through the whole trip.

But little did she know, spaghetti couldn't care less. She spent the first hour, reading and rereading her great uncles letter to Myrtle. It was supposed to have been received by them seventeen years ago.

"Dearest Niece,

My name is Donald, and I am your mothers (your birth mothers) brother. I don't know your name, or where you are, but I know my sister would've wanted the best for you. I don't have any money, but I have my house. It isn't much, a small family apartment, right next to a field, and children play there every day. If you have a child, I hope she will play there too. Please accept my house, and everything in it, as yours, and I wish it could be more. I'm sorry you never had a family, but I hope you have one now.

Your uncle Donald.

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