My Hero From Certain Doom (I think)

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Spaghetti Yellow was never bullied at school.

She was looked down on and sniggered at behind her back, but her back was pretty darn small, (Spaghetti was REALLY short) so Spaghetti didn't really care. No one hated her, but no one really wanted to go near her. In partner work, spaghetti sometimes/usually/always was the odd one out, and was forced to work alone.

Until one day, when her teacher introduced to the class a new student, Peter Thornbury. From the moment he stepped in, seven year old Spaghetti was mesmerised. He was short, with blonde curly hair, an odd shaped nose, but a friendly smile. "Just like myrtle's," Spaghetti thought. Well, not quite like myrtle's, as myrtle had more of a grimace then a smile.

But anyway, this new boy, didn't know her or her reputation, and if Spaghetti could just talk to him, maybe she'd have a friend. Spaghetti got super excited, and over the next couple of days tried to sit next to him as much as she could. But as we already know, Spaghetti wasn't overly confident, so with the few words he spoke to her, even fewer she spoke in return.

After a couple of weeks, the boy got tired of Spaghetti, and moved on. Spaghetti gazed wistfully at Peter, sitting with the popular kids (if you have those in first grade), and wished her first crush would acknowledge her too.

Little did poor Spaghetti Yellow know, this boy wasn't going to around to acknowledge anyone, let alone her, much longer.


At home, Myrtle was struggling with young spaghetti asking how to get boys attention, how to talk to them, how to get into the popular crowd, and other bizarre questions Myrtle had no experience with. Popular crowd? This was MYRTLE.

Myrtle didn't have boyfriends, let alone talk to boys, and she certainly didn't associate with the popular crew. Actually, they didn't associate with HER. Spaghetti was only one rung of the popularity ladder above what Myrtle had been. Spaghetti didn't eat lunch in the toilets.

Myrtle was stumped. She knew that as a mother, she would have to do SOMETHING, but what? She couldn't LIE, could she?

Spaghetti YellowWhere stories live. Discover now