Hide and Go Seek (Minus the Seek)

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Peter left after that day. Spaghetti was heartbroken. Her tiny eight year old heart was crushed by two tiny little hands. Spaghetti got over it. Eventually. She focused on her school work for the rest of the second and third grade, and one her first day of fourth grade, Myrtle made an announcement, they were moving. Myrtle had had a few surprises of her own in those two years, she found her uncle, a retired professor, who had died, and left his estate to his orphaned niece which he hadn't seen in many years. Myrtle had no clue she even had an uncle, but what she did know, was that ever since Spaghetti, life was so much better.

Spaghetti had no objections, as she had nothing exceedingly important to her back in Pennsylvania, and Myrtle said Tallahassee was warmer and nicer. (Myrtle had only just discovered where Tallahassee is)

Myrtle told spaghetti that they would be moving at the end of fourth grade, only two months away. And the final announcement from Myrtle was the biggest of them all. A lady co-worker from the McDonalds where Myrtle worked had been giving her advice. How else do you think Myrtle started becoming smart? But now that myrtle knew that spaghetti could improve their status with education, so could Myrtle. Myrtle was going back to school. Fifty six is never to old.


Before her last day at her first school, the class had a special visitor. Peter was back! He had a shaved head and perfect posture. His gaze was colder, and he seemed sad. Spaghetti soon realised, to her horror, that he was leaving the next day, back to his school. Peter told the class that he went to a military camp in Central Florida and he was expected to enter the army after high school. (Neither Peter nor spaghetti actually knew what that meant.)

Peter left after lunch. Spaghetti left the next week.

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