(Trying to) Fly High

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After six or seven Months of the first grade, Spaghetti was still a loner. She was content though, as her teacher was kind, and Myrtle was getting happier by the day. You see, Myrtle had realised that she now had a life, she had been promoted at work to MANAGER at McDonalds and was earning much more.

She was happy as spaghetti had a shot at life, and was excelling at science. Myrtle was just happy, now that their own little life was falling into place.


Spaghetti had an idea. At age seven, she had decided what to do with her life. She had a aspiration for the future, but she needed help with how to achieve it. This "idea" came to her on a Tuesday evening, maybe around six or seven o clock as she was doing her homework for the next day. The next day, (Wednesday) was a special day at school. All the first graders were going to stand up, one by one, and announce their dream to the rest of the class. Spaghetti Yellow asked Myrtle what her dream was, and what myrtle said, inspired young Spaghetti.

Myrtle told spaghetti that her dream was to have a family, who was content with their life. Spaghetti had a sudden rush of love towards Myrtle, and realised what HER dream was. To keep MYRTLE safe, like Myrtle did for her.

But how?

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