Go Go Golem

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Seeing himself in danger, he immediately starts to push on the door of the van but the door is locked from outside. He chooses Heracross. ..

Jark :" Charmander come back. Heracross use mega punch and break the door. "

Heracross breaks the door using mega punch. Jark jumps from the van and he notices a river here . He jumps into the river . The driver must have heard the sound of the door breaking, so he stops the car. He notices the driver and fastly swims and reaches the other side of the river and goes into the jungle. The driver opens a pokeball and chooses a Fearow.

Jark:" Heracross come back to your pokeball."

Jark runs blindly into the forest very quickly as the Fearow is coming here. After 5 minutes he notices that he is in a deep forest . He can see a cave only. He decides to go there because the night is coming very soon. He uses Charmander because he can light up the cave. The cave is covered with moss. It is very cold in the cave. Jark thinks that the cave is full of ice type pokemons . From outside comes the sound of a huge explosion. Looks like the van has exploded right now. Jark sighed and thinks it might have broken all the CCTV camera records with the explosion.
After 5 minutes of walking he finds that there are many Paras as well as Sandshrew. He looks up and notices many Zubats are flying. Charmander starts to play with the gang of Sandshrew. Suddenly, A dangerous sound comes from the cave and the Zubats start to fly and the gang of paras and Sandshrew starts to rush .

Hai ... what is going on ? ... Suddenly A great shadow falls on them. Its Golem.....
Jark starts to run but stops because Charmander wants to fight with the Golem . Looks like he wants revenge because that Golem kicked all his friends out.

Jark :" Ok Charmander. Its time to defeat the Golem."

Golem becomes angry as he hears it. Golem uses rollout .

Jark:" Charmander dodge and use Metal claw."
Charmander dodges it and uses metal claw but Golem returns using rollout. Oh...its a Critical hit.... Charmander is lying on the ground.

Jark :" Fight Charmander fight."

Charmander tries to stand up. He is looking at the Golem. That fire on Charmander's tail becomes more intense. Charmander is very angry ....

Jark:"Charmander rage...."

Charmander becomes more stronger. Golem uses rollout again .

Jark :" Charmander dodge it and use ember ."
Golem's rollout beats ember and it's a Critical hit for Charmander.

Jark (Angry + sad):" Ok ... Charmander Come back."

Charmander is saying no by shaking his head. A bright light is coming from Charmander ... is it evolving ???????

Yahhh.... Charmander evolves into Charmeleon.

Jark opens his pokedex

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Jark opens his pokedex.

Pokedex :" Charmeleon is a bipedal, reptilian Pokémon. It has dark red scales and a cream underside from the chest down. It has blue eyes and a long snout with a slightly hooked tip. On the back of its head is a single horn-like protrusion. It has relatively long arms with three sharp claws. Its short legs have plantigrade feet with three claws and cream-colored soles. The tip of its long, powerful tail has a flame burning on it. The temperature rises to unbearable levels if Charmeleon swings its tail.

Charmeleon has a vicious nature and will constantly seek out opponents. Strong opponents excite this Pokémon, causing it to spout bluish-white flames that torch its surroundings. However, it will relax once it has won a battle. It is rare in the wild, but it can be found in mountainous areas."

Jark :" Cool...."

Charmeleon is looking at his hands . It became more stronger. Golem is looking at Charmeleon as he is jealous. The Golem is using rollout towards Jark...

Charmeleon uses ember to protect Jark but it fails.... They starts running towards the end of the cave but where is it ? The cave is filled with light because of Charmeleon's fire . Not only Jark and Charmeleon is running but also a gang of Aron is running with them. The Golem is behind them .... hei the Golem is shining . Is it evolving ? How it is possible ? Golem is the last stage of Geodude . That means it is an attack ..... Is it explosion ?

Jark :" Its looks like EXPLOSION. Jump guys ...."

Golem Uses Explosion and all the stones of the cave breakes and falls to the ground and the mouth of the cave is closed. Hoh!!! Everyone is safe b...bu...but where is Charmeleon ? Did he crush down the stones ?

Jark(crying) :" No ...no Charmeleon. ..... where are you ? "

Arons are staring at Jark's crying face. Really, the Arons can understand. ..

Jark starts to shout :" Charmeleon. .. Charmeleon. "

Jark knelt down sadly now. He is very sad but hai .. that soil is moving. .... something is coming up....

Its Charmeleon. ...

Jark(cries in joy) :" Charmeleon you are safe . And you learned dig attack .. Yes. That's mean when the rocks were falling , you (Charmeleon ) used dig ."

Charmeleon moves his head up and down as he wants to say yes. The Arons are very happy and goes into the jungle. But according to the map and compass they have to go towards west to go to the Moonside town. They starts running towards the west but it is midnight. .. Jark is very brave and becomes more brave when he got Charmeleon.

They are running but at the mean time Charmeleon stops running as he is worried.


Hai is it the sound of HOWl ? But what is the Pokemon. Jark notices that many red eyes are surrounding them .. the sound is coming from them ...

Jark thinks : Why I decided to be a Pokemon Master ? From then the life is full of Dangers . Can I escape from them?
My Charmeleon is weak after the battle with Golem. Help us .... please.

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