12: Going to Morrow

Start from the beginning

     Jorund can not imagine being so indifferent towards Florence. She is a beautiful loft and does everything she can to show her love for him and he shows his appreciation by being affectionate and loving towards her. He leans back into Florence's body once again, realizing how lucky both of them are to be in a loving relationship.

      With her ticket purchased, Florence steps away from the counter and begins to head for the platform. As they are moving away, Jorund watches as the loft reaches for her partner and immediately embraces him. While it certainly does not look like he struggled, he did not look too enthused about being picked up. As Florence continues to walk farther from the ticket counter, he loses sight of the pair. 

    The platform is just about empty with only several other lofts waiting for their respective trains. Most are sitting while others are standing as if they are expecting their train to arrive at any moment. Jorund is looking at everyone who is waiting, though he is paying extra attention to a loft family. They look like a typical family consisting of a mother, two daughters, and a father. The mother seems to be in her early twenties or looks to be so anyway. After meeting Mayor Jodie, he has learned that these women tend to age very well. She is watching her two daughters, who seem to be three years apart with the oldest looking to be eight years old. They are both sitting on the platform, playing contently with their dolls; which look like they could be vulns at their size. The two aren't so much playing with the dolls as they are hugging them. When he looks to the father, that is when the family does not look so typical. The father is a vuln and is much smaller than the rest of the family. He is being held in the arms of the loft, his partner, looking as though he is content watching his daughters entertain themselves.

      Florence is looking at the same family Jorund is, though her mind is somewhere else. Watching the two little girls play brings to mind her own desire for a family. While she would be happy having two daughters herself, she is fond of the idea of having a big family. Of course, with how intimate she and her mate are when they are in the bedroom such an outcome seems to be very probable.

     Florence sits down on an empty bench, the only thing she can do as she waits for the train that will be taking her and Jorund to the town of Morrow. She looks down at the small man who is still in her embrace, smiling at him as he seems to be very comfortable with where he is at. She moves her hand so that she can rub her fingers on his head; watching as he leans into her finger, his eyes closed with a content smile on his face. Such a reaction only encourages her to continue doing this, seeing how much her mate enjoys such a simple action from her. 

     "Dear," Florence moves her fingers away from Jorund's head, which is more than enough to turn his attention to her. She begins to lift him out from her pocket and towards her face, her lips puckered as she begins to pull him closer. Jorund does not need her to tell him what is about to happen, already aware of the token of affection he is about to receive. Jorund wraps his arms around Florence's cheeks as she kisses him, looking as though he is hugging her. The kiss only lasts for a couple of moments, the couple soon gazing into each other's eyes. Jorund finds Florence's sapphire-colored eyes to be very beautiful, one of the first things that drew him towards her. The way they shift through different shades allows him to see a different beauty every time he looks at her. "I love you so much," Florence says with a warm smile on her face."

     "I love you too, Honey," Jorund replies.

       The sound of a train whistle blowing draws their attention, followed by the engine and the screeching of the brakes as metal slides against metal. The train is pulling into the station, slowing down gradually as it is pulling into the station. The first thing to enter, besides the engine, is the cars. Jorund counts about four passing by the platform, figuring that they will be stopping further ahead, where vulns like him will be boarding; then come the flatbed cars. Most of them seem to be empty, with only a couple of lofts occupying them. As the train comes to a complete stop, some of the passengers begin to step onto the platform while others remain as this station is not their stop. Lofts begin to remove their footwear, the ones who are wearing footwear at least, as the conductor shouts the reminder of Prospect Junction being a vuln populated area. 

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