Sarawat took something out of his pocket, his fingers curled securely around it and snatched Tine's hand down onto his lap.

What the-

Tine's round eyes grew huge and he was about to yank his hand back but stilled when he saw what Sarawat was actually doing. The guitarist was slipping some kind of bracelet over his hand, meticulously adjusting its straps around Tine's slim wrist, his head bowed and auburn bangs covering his eyes. He then patted Tine's hand when he was done, releasing his hold to let Tine take a look.

Tine scrunched up his dark brows a little as he raised his hand into the light, letting it filter through his fingers, as he inspected the bracelet that was now adoring his wrist. It was a leather-bound rope with a makeshift charm dangling from it that looked just like a cut up guitar plectrum. Tine blinked at the piece of jewelry stupidly, soft eyelashes fluttering uncomprehendingly. What? He did not understand. But then Sarawat's tanned hand cut into his line of vision, intertwining their fingers securely and Tine saw that he was now wearing a bracelet too, the other half of the guitar pick dangling from it. Couple bracelets, how cute.

Tine looked back at him, only to find the guitarist already staring at him with a playful smile curling at the corners of his sultry lips, head cocked to one side.

"Tine, I meant what I said last time. I truly love you, please don't..." Sarawat trailed off, blinking owlishly. Please don't leave me on the tip of his tongue. "...don't doubt," he murmured while looking devotedly into Tine's clear eyes, a gaze that pierced straight into his heart, his soul even. Tine smiled back, cheeks dimpling. His heart was soaring as he squeezed Sarawat's hand. Sarawat then shuffled closer, leaning over and inclining his head in search of a kiss, his half lidded gaze minutely falling down to Tine's plump lips. "Go out with me. Hm?"

"Haven't you sort of already asked that?" Tine teased, their lips brushing softly against each other when he spoke. His breaths were getting shorter as his heart raced faster, eyes darting between Sarawat's sultry lips and his deep, dark gaze that was sucking him in.

Sarawat raised his other hand to Tine's face, cupping his rosy cheek, one thumb swiping under Tine's eye. He dragged their joint hands to his chest, cradling them against his thumping heart.

"Yes, but I meant officially. Then we can tell everyone that I belong to you, if you're that jealous-"

Tine swallowed down a groan and darted forward to silence the insufferable man, closing the tiny distance between them. Their noses bumped slightly and Tine giggled just as he repeatedly pressed his mouth eagerly against Sarawat's.

The kisses felt both warm and sweet, their lips gliding softly together, a steady pressure against one another. Tine could not keep the smile off of his face for long however, breaking their last kiss and thumping his forehead against Sarawat's shoulder.

This happiness felt so simple. But why had it been so hard to obtain?

If Tine was a cat, he would have been purring right about now.

"Ah, I like you so much. You're even better than I imagined," Tine muttered quietly into the crook of Sarawat's neck, snuggling closer and completely ignoring all the buzzing people around them in the tiny café. It was mostly fellow students that might have already sneaked one or two pictures of them candidly, shocked to see Sarawat cozying it up with a guy. He might have been completely blind to people around him but people were certainly taking notice of him. And of Tine now too.

"You know, changing your status on Facebook would've probably been more efficient though. As in letting everyone know, that is," Tine teased. "But I guess this will have to do," he said, moist breath fanning over Sarawat's golden skin, one hand raised to look at the bracelet on his wrist while the other one clutched at Sarawat's sweatshirt. A warm, fuzzy feeling flooded Sarawat's chest, completely filling that strange void inside of him. He was not even offended by Tine's wayward compliments.

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