Volume 1 Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Welcome to my dream-like school life

"Ayanokouji-kun, are you ok?"

It came. It came again. The feared situation.

As I was pretending to sleep, that person came.

It was the appearance of the devil, which forced me (whowas taking a nap) to wake up to reality.

In my brain, Shostakovich's 11th symphony was playing. Thesong perfectly described my current predicament: thefeeling of utter hopelessness as people are chased bydevils and as the end of the world quickly approached.Even with my eyes closed, I could tell.

I could feel the alarming presence of the devil right next tome as it waited for its slave to wake up...

Now, as a slave, how do I escape this situation...?

To avoid danger, use the computer in the brain to instantlycome up with the answer.

Conclusion... Pretend not to have heard anything. I amnaming it the 'pretend sleep' strategy. My predicament willbe solved with this strategy.

If the person talking was kind girl, she would overlook it
after saying, 'Well, it can't be helped. I will forgive youbecause I'm sorry ☆'

Even a pattern like 'I will kiss if you don't wake up, ok?Chuu~~' is also OK.

"If you don't wake up in 3 seconds, you'll face punish-ments."

"... The hell do you mean by 'punishments'?"

In less than a second the 'pretend sleep' strategy wasfoiled and I succumbed to the threat.

Still, I refused to raise my head and continued to resist."Look, as I expected you were awake."

"I already know of your scariness if I make you angry."

"That's good. Then, do you have some time?"

"... and if I say I don't?"

"Well... I can't force you, but I will be cranky if you don't."She then continued.

"And if I'm cranky, I will be a major obstacle to Ayanokouji-kun's normal school life.

Hmm, for example, countless thumbtacks on your chair,spraying water on your head whenever you enter thebathroom, and sometimes stabbing you with a compassneedle. That kind of behavior, yup."

"That's just plain harassment! Also, that last one seemsstrangely real, as if I remember already being stabbed!"I reluctantly woke up and sat up in my seat.

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