To say he haunts my dreams sounds kind of creepy, I mean I don't even know who he is but when I close my eyes, sometimes his eyes are staring back at me.

I remember them being a light hazel colour, but from the darkness of the club, they seemed darker than they had in the elevator.

Lower town gym, Wednesday at 3.

Two days from now. I remember his eyes just before he rushed off, he looked nervous, scared even. His eyes needed me to show up.

And the idea is intriguing, I mean I could tell from our altercation that he is swift with his techniques—almost like he's been practicing those exact movements consistently. He had me tightly in a headlock, to the point where I wasn't able to move but even so, his arms were light and tender around me, which made me feel like if I was ever uncomfortable he wouldn't waste a second before letting go.

Though I'm not stupid, I know that he was in Enzo Bridger's office building that day coming down from one of the top floors. He has something to do with my blackmailer, more so than I think he's letting on. I know he's lying about not knowing me, it's too much of a coincidence, but still, if there's a way that I'll be able to stand on my own against these sick men that I'm supposed to escort, as he said, I should be able to take care of myself. I don't need any man doing it for me, I mean not anymore. And if he can teach me moves then I'll take him up on that option.

"Miss, we're here," the driver says pulling me back to the present.

I snap my eyes open and smile at him, pulling out some change from my wallet to pay, then stepping out onto the curb dragging my duffle bag out after me.

I check my phone quickly, it's 7:58.

I break out into a sweat as I rush into the building, pulling open the large oak doors, leading into the stone building that looks like it was built for Hogwarts students.

I took a tour of the Academy when I first moved here a couple of months ago so I'm familiar with the confusing hallways and know exactly which hallway leads towards the change rooms.

Pulling open the next set of doors, I pause when I hear someone running towards me.

"Sorry! Hold the door please," a girl gasps running through the open doorway.  Her dark brown coiled hair is bouncing around her face as she runs closer some smaller curls falling into her eyes.

She stops in front of me breathing heavily and I notice her warm brown skin is glowing and slightly tinged pink from the colder weather outside. Sending me a grateful smile, she pauses to lean against the wall.

"Thank you so much!" She exclaims exasperatedly, blowing the curls out of her eyes.

"Oh no problem, you looked like you were struggling back there," I laugh starting to walk back down the hallway at a slower pace.

She giggles pulling her bag strap further up her shoulder falling in step next to me.

"Yeah, my grandma is going to kill me for being late," her eyes are wide as she looks down at the watch on her wrist.

"So you're starting in Mrs. Benoit's class today as well then?" I ask, pulling open the change room door.

She nods walking in and finding a spot to place her bag on an empty bench, pulling out her leotard and point shoes, "It's my first year, I'm originally from Michigan, but I moved here to continue my ballet training since my parents thought it would be important for me to train at a more distinguished school..."

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