Chapter 15: First love - Part One

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Saying Earth was on the ninth cloud would be an understatement. He was in love, he made sure everybody knew. Even if he did not tell them verbally, people could still tell something really good must have happened just by looking at him. Like they say, a person is the most beautiful when they are in love. That was Earth right now- happily beautiful in everybody's eyes. Especially, his friends.

Earth had told Gun and Fluke about how he felt towards the senior the very next day. And even though they were genuinely happy for him, they could not help but be concerned. They asked him if he had told P'Kao about this. Because, after all, Earth was still legally married. And, even though they did not want this marriage, they still couldn't deny the fact. Although, that night of the dinner was still a little blurry in Earth's mind, he certainly remembered telling Kao about him liking P'Title. But he doesn't remember Kao's reply or even if he had given a reply at all. So, he had just answered his friends' question with a yes. And when they asked him what P'Kao's opinion was, he just said, they still need to have a proper talk about it.  And, so, no further questions were asked.But the thing was, Earth didn't know when they could have that "proper talk".

Since that night, Kao had drowned himself in work. Going home at random hours and then leaving as soon as he could. The finals and the internship was around the corner, and Kao  used this as an excuse to distract himself from all that was going in his head.

After being awaken back to reality, Kao had been doing his best to keep his mind off Earth and the things he said that night. This was the only way he could save himself from breaking down completely. Though, it was more difficult than he thought, because every time he'd close his eyes, that night would replay in his mind. How happy Earth looked that night; how he was not the reason for it; how this was all going to end soon. He was suffering to the point where he started to tell himself that he wouldn't let Earth date anyone else. He was his husband after all. If they don't get a divorce, they'd have to be together no matter what. But he knew better than anyone that this was all only bullshit he was making up. He wouldn't ever do anything to make Earth sad. He would never forgive himself if he made Earth cry just because of his greediness. 

So, Kao had made up his mind. Once his internship ends and he starts working in his father's company, he will ask for a divorce. Until then, he'll try his best to get rid of his feelings. 'It's the best thing I can do for the both of us.' He thought to himself.

It was about 6.30 pm when Kao started to pack his things and leave the  department's building. Earlier, Earth had texted him to come home early for dinner since he had something to talk about. Kao was somewhat aware of what the topic of the talk was going to be. So, he had prepared what he wanted to say beforehand. He was scared of his emotions getting in the way, and stopping him from letting go of his first love. He was scared that he'd might end up just giving up and falling into the sweet desire.

I can't let that happen.

It was a slow ride home. Kao drove slowly, not wanting to face the reality, as he did that night, so fast. He took his time, organising his thoughts; thinking over and over about what the right thing to do was. And, though, the answer was always the same, it didn't feel right in his heart. He didn't know what it was that was bothering him, so, he just pushed the thought at the back of his mind and continued to drive as the train of thoughts passed by.

Originally a twenty minutes drive, which was turned into forty minutes, came to and end. The driver of the car walked up the strairs instead of taking the elevator to buy more time. The closer he got to their house, the more his heart started to pound. He felt sick to the stomach and light headed. The anxiety was not helping with the situation.

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