Chapter 1: After Effects - Part One

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Waking up to a buzzing sound in the background, Kao groaned as he opened his eyes. The clock at the night stand displaying 5:30 am. Turning of the alarm, Kao sat up on the bed, grabbing his head with one hand, as he felt a splitting pain across his head. Thinking that it must be because of the amount of liquor he consumed the night before. He wanted to rest for a while longer, but, he couldn't.

Ever since he was very young. Kao has always woken up early. Regardless of how late he went to bed, he had to wake up early.

'Waking up early is the first step towards becoming a successful businessman.' His father, Mr. Perth, had always said this. Getting either harshly scolded or. sometimes even punished, when he didn't listen to the things his father told him. Trying to make him responsible and attentive at such a young age. so that, when the time comes, he can take over his father's company, without any hesitation.

Kao has a deep respect for his father. When he was young, maybe only one, his mother left, divorcing his father. Since then, Mr. Perth single handedly brought up Kao, while taking care of the company as well.

There were times, when he was not quite happy with the things his father asked from him. But, regardless of what his opinions were on the matter, he did as Mr. Perth told him to.

But the thing his father was suggesting, which is supposed to be benefiting to both, the company and Kao, is a marriage! On top of that, not a normal wedding. A marriage to seal a business deal of his father.

Kao could feel his blood rush towards his head at the slightest thought of such an absurd 'suggestion'. This was the reason behind him drowning himself in liquor for the past 2 days.

This was the first time he denied something his father asked him to do.

Kao got up from bed feeling a little dizzy. Wobbling on his way to the washroom. 'Maybe I shouldn't have drunk so much', he thought, feeling like he was gonna puke any second now.

Standing in front of the mirror with both hands on each side, supporting himself as he stood there, thinking of the things Mr. Perth had said that night, again. Those words had been playing in his head like a broken record. He just couldn't bring himself to think of something else.

'It's just a business deal. If it doesn't work out, then just get a divorce after a few years. This is all for your future, son. Your future is the company. And if this marriage benefits you future, then what's wrong with that?' Mr. Perth had said these words as if they meant nothing. As if all of this was a game of play-pretend. Kao just had to pretend he was married. And when he gets tired, he can just end the game. Simple as that.

No, it wasn't as simple as that. At least for Kao, it wasn't.

After finally gaining back his composure, Kao went on with his morning routine.

Dressed up in the college uniform, white shirt, black pants and a necktie, same as the colour of the pants, Kao headed downstairs from his room to have breakfast.Sitting at the dining table were Mr. Perth and Mrs. An, Kao's stepmother.

Mr. Perth announced his second marriage when Kao was in high school. This marriage of his was also because of a business deal just like his first one. Even though, Mr Perth and Mrs. An didn't love each other, there was still a degree of respect and understanding between them.

Although Kao didn't say anything, he was never happy with this decision of his father's. He was neither fond of the marriage, nor this stepmother of his.

Mrs. An was a serious, but still a good person. She cared for Kao, and helped him whenever he needed it in any possible way she could. She made sure of everyone's health in the house. And she worked along side Mr. Perth, as the director of the company.

Kao had no complaints when it came to her. It was just...she didn't feel like a mother.

Kao didn't had any memories of his biological mother, since, she left when he was very young. He got curious from time to time and used to ask Mr. Perth about his mother. He would look at the pictures and that's it. It never piqued his interest to go and meet his mother. He was happy with only having his father by his side, who cared for him. But when his father got too busy with work and didn't have time for Kao at all, he'd feel a void. A sense of loneliness. But he'd overcome it by hanging out with his friends.

Kao sat right across his father at the dining table. Mrs. An poured him a fresh glass of orange juice.

"You got home quite late last night.", Mr. Perth looked in Kao's direction.

"Me and my friends went out to have some drinks.", Kao explained.

"I have told you to control on that liquor. It's harmful for you. And you know, you get carried away." Mrs. An expressed her concern with a calm tone.

"Yes, mother. I am sorry. I'll be careful next time." Kao apologized.

By the time Kao got to the table, Mr. Perth was halfway through his breakfast. He put the knife and fork down, carefully. Then wiping the corners of his mouth with a cloth, he asked," Have you made a discussion on the thing I suggested few days ago? It's for the best for you and te company."

Kao hesitated, but after a while, said,"Father, I have been thinking about it and I-"

"Think again.", Mr. Perth just cut Kao in the middle of the sentence like he already knew what Kao was going to say.

"We'll talk about this tonight, after I come back from work. Don't be late today.", Mr. Perth said with a cold, stern voice. He got up, telling Mrs. An that he was leaving.

Just as he was about to leave, he stopped in his tracks. Turning around, he looked straight into Kao's eyes as if warning him. He spoke one word at a time,"Do not make me force you." And with that, he left. Leaving behind a very flustered Kao. His mind was blank. He didn't know what to do next as he left to go to college as well.

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