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Jungeun drove under the full moon, blasting a bunch of her favourite soft ballads. Still, her head was full of Jinsoul. Her eyes, her lips, her sculpted nose, her forehead scar. Yup I'm definitely falling. No matter what, Jinsoul was still stuck in her head.

But she had to stop whatever she was thinking right now because Jungeun is now standing in front of her biggest childhood trauma in her life. Her own house.

"Appa?" Jungeun yelled as she entered the dark house. The house reeked of alcohol and cigarettes. Jungeun winced when she stepped on shattered glass. Thank God she was wearing shoes.

"Appa? Are you okay?" Jungeun said as she turned on the lights, revealing her father, sitting on a chair with an empty bottle of soju.

"How many bottles did you drink?" Jungeun sighed in concern as she tried to grab the bottle away from her father but failed when her father threw the bottle away, causing it to shatter to the ground.

"You should stop drinking." Jungeun mumbled as she tried sweeping away the shattered glass.

"You should stop being a stubborn bitch and come home." Her father yelled, causing Jungeun to flinch.

"I'm studying right now. It's for my future, Appa." Jungeun replied as she continued sweeping the pieces of glass.

"It's just a waste of money. You'll just end up becoming a waitress. Or even a prostitute." Her father laughed drunkenly.

Those words were enough to pierce a hole in Jungeun's heart. How could a father say such words to a daughter who was trying to succeed in life. Jungeun sighed with anger and sadness built inside her.

"Well at least I won't end up being a useless alcoholic like you." Jungeun spat out in anger, with a cracky voice.

"What did you say?" Her father stood up, grabbing a bottle and throwing it to Jungeun's direction. Thank the good god, that it missed Jungeun due to her father's crappy aim.

"I am just trying to be successful." Jungeun muttered, causing her father to throw a wooden chair at her. Unfortunately this time, the chair hit Jungeun right at her torso, causing her to fall down. She winced in pain when she felt the shattered glass pierced into her skin. She felt week and her body hurts like hell.

Jungeun's father slowly walked himself to a couch and fell asleep, completely not knowing what he has done to his own daughter.


Jinsoul woke up to a sharp pain on her torso. She tried rubbing it but it made it even worse. She tried fall back asleep hoping that it will be gone in the morning, but paused when she realized that Jungeun wasn't next to her.

She sat up and searched for the blond girl around the room. Jinsoul stopped when she found a note next to her.

I'm going home. There's an emergency. See you tomorrow.

Jinsoul read the note but had an uneasy feeling inside of her. Not knowing why, but she felt the need to look for Jungeun. The pain on her torso was fading but it was still throbbing. Not wasting any time, Jinsoul trusted her gut feeling and decided to look for Jungeun.

She tried searching for Jungeun's ID card just to jott down her address. With that being successful, Jinsoul took her coat and went straight out of their dorm bringing nothing but a phone and a bottle of pepper spray.

She called an uber and surprisingly they still had ubers at thes ungodly hour. Hoping again, that this uber will not kidnapp her and take her to other places.

"Can you take me to this address please?" Jinsoul said as she passed the piece of paper to the driver.

"Okay. But isn't it a little late for you to walk around at this hour?" The driver asked, a bit confused.

"Yeah, it's an emergency." Jinsoul answered as she sighed. "And don't even think of kidnapping me, I have a black belt in karate and a bottle of pepper spray." Jinsoul warned, earning a laugh from the driver.

"Relax. I don't kidnapp people for a living." The driver scoffed.

The car ride was short and awkward. Jinsoul paid the driver with whatever cash she had in the back of her phone case and thanked him for not kidnapping her. The sharp pain in her torso came back as she stepped into the yard of Jungeun's house.

"Jungeun?" Jinsoul called out as she searched for Jungeun. She walked to the door and was shocked because it was wide open.

Jinsoul had her mouth wide open when she saw Jungeun laying on the floor, next to a broken chair. She wasted no time and ran to the blond hair girl.

"Jungeun! Hey hey. Are you okay?" Jinsoul said in a conecerned tone as she tried waking Jungeun up.

"Who is this bitch?" Jungeun's father yelled as he got up groggily. He threw a beer bottle at Jinsoul's direction but Jinsoul grabbed it just before it reached her face.

"Please don't tell me you threw a chair at your own daughter." Jinsoul said as she stood up and approached Jungeun's father.

"Get away from me. Why are you-" Jungeun's father paused when Jinsoul pressed the side of his neck, causing him to be unconscious.

"Jungeun, can you hear me? It's me Jinsoul." Jinsoul said in a panic tone.

"Jinsoul.." Jungeun said in a slurred as she slowly sat up. "I'm fine. It's just... wow." Jungeun winced in pain when she realized pieces of glass were still piercing in her skin of her arm

"I'm going to have to clean thise up. and your torso is bruised." Jinsoul said as she examined Jungeun's torso. "Let's get you out of here. Can you walk?" Jinsoul asked as she took the car keys from Jungeun's pocket.

"Yeah, I think." Jungeun replied as she slowly stood up.

Slowly, she helped Jungeun walked and brought her insde her car. Jinsoul drove slowly back to their dorm. Pain wasn't the only thing Jungeun felt right now, she felt embarrassed. She felt embarrassed because Jinsoul had to come pick her up. Shw felt embarrassed because Jinsoul had known. She had known about her pathetic life. And Jungeun wanted Jinsoul to be the last person to know about her pathetic life.

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