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"So you're telling me you tripped on a rug and embarrassed yourself in front of your new roommate?"  Haseul asked as she took a bite of her ice cream.

"Exactly." Jinsoul nodded furiously, earning a laugh from Haseul.

"That doesn't sound like you. You rarely fall and and hurt yourself." Haseul laughed.

"Yeah but I did today." Jinsoul replied. "Anyway, my roommate was pretty chill though. She's always on Netflix or something." Jinsoul chuckled as she scooped her ice cream around.

"Well, my roommate is technically a 7 year old." Haseul  as she bit on her ice cream cone. "She's like a high school student except for the fact that she's 18." Haseul chuckled as she shooked her head.

"So she's okay?" Jinsoul asked as she tossed her emptt ice cream bowl into the bin.

"So far so good I guess. She hasn't done anything annoying." Haseul chuckled.

Back to Jungeun

"Goddamn why is the internet like this?" Jungeun sighed at the sight of her movie buffering. She slouched down but jumped when she heard someone knocking on her door.

"That must be Yeojin." She sighed knowing that it's not her roommate because she left a few minutes ago.

"What do you want Yeojin?" Jungeun groaned as she opened the door.

"Hey bestie." Yeojin greeted as she let herself in and tossed herself into Jungeun's bed.

"Um okay? rude." Jungeun scoffed as she closed the door. "What's up?" Jungeun asked as she sat back at her spot.

"Nothing. I'm bored. My roommate went out so I was alone." Yeojin chuckled.

"How's your roommate though? Is she cool? Is she kind? or... is she... the one?" Yeojin smirked as she raised an eyebrow, earning a smack from Jungeun.

"Stop saying nonsense. She's cool I guess. She like tripped herself over that rug and OH- You will not believe this but she has the same forehead scar as mine!" Jungeun exclaimed with a shocked look, earning a jump from Yeojin.

"The one where you jumped off a table and cracked your skull open?" Yeojin asked as she looked at Jungeun.

"Yeah! She had the exact scar. Like dude, I thought I was the only one who had that unique scar."Jungeun chuckled softly.

"Pft. Of course you're not the only one. Who'd you think you are? Harry Potter?" Yeojin scoffed earning a not amused look from Jungeun.

"But seriously though, it looks exactly like mine." Junguen concluded as she continued watching her movie.

"Are you saying that you guys have soulmate marks?" Yeojin laughed.

"Technically? But I'm not into that stuff so imma shut up about it now." Jungeun chuckled softly. "How about your roommate? What's she like?" Jungeun asked.

"Motherly. She's like a mother." Yeojin replied as she furrowed her eyebrows. "She's like a 40 year old wine mom in a 19 year old body." Yeojin chuckled.

"Well have fun with that! I've got a cooler roommate." Junguen sneered earning a scoff form Yeojin.

"Pft. Speaking of that. I have to go back and rearrange my stuff or else someone else would have to do it."Yeojin chuckled as she dragged herself up.

"Yeah, go do something useful for once." Jungeun cheered happily as she waved at Yeojin, earning a not amused look from her.

"Yeah whatever." Yeojin said as she twisted the door knob. "And by the way, don't talk about that soulmate thing with your roommate, it's weird plus you guys just met." Yeojin mumbled before closing the door but jumped when someone appeared behind her.

"What soulmate thing?" Jinsoul asked out of the blue, causing Yeojin to jump and Jungeun getting second hand embarrassment from her.

"Uh, it's nothing. You must be Jungeun's roommate, I'm Yeojin." Yeojin chuckled awkwardly as she introduced herself.

"Ah nice to meet you. I'm Jinsoul." Jinsoul introduced herself back to the smaller girl. "Wait, are you Haseul's roommate? she mentioned about a small 7 year old sized girl." Jinsoul hummed as she furrowed her eyebrows, earning a stiffled laugh from Jungeun.

"That's her." Yeojin answered with a not amused face. "Did she just call me a 7 year old?" Yeojin scoffed.

"Apparently, yeah." Jinsoul answered, earning another laugh from Jungeun.

"Well, I'll deal with her later." Yeojin chuckled at Jinsoul and gave a not amused face to Jungeun, causing Jungeun to laugh harder.

"Anyway, I'll get going now! Nice meeting you Jinsoul!" Yeojin cheered as she made her way out of the room and gave Jungeun a dare.

"I'm sorry bout that, she's my one and only annoying friend." Jungeun chuckled as she sighed.

"Ah it's fine. I should be sorry though, I was interrupting you guys." Jinsoul chuckled. "Anyway, I brought us some tteobokki and pizza for dinner." Jinsoul smiled as she showed Jungeun the bag of food she brought.

"Ahh I see." Jungeun replied as she smiled and continued looking at her laptop, earning a small frown from Jinsoul.

"We're having dinner together right?" Jinsoul asked. No no Jinsoul you sound needy. Why'd you have to say that? Jinsoul pondered.

"Oh we are?" Jungeun asked, a smile slowly creeping out her face.

"Yeah, I bought this for us, I-I mean I can't finish this alone." Jinsoul chuckled awkwardly.

"That's so sweet of you." Jungeun chuckled, making Jinsoul all flustered.

"Just consider it as a small celebrations of us being roommates." Jinsoul gave Jungeun a small smile. "Plus, I'd like to get to know you better." Jinsoul added.

Those last words made Jungeun's heart beat faster for no reason. Like, Jinsoul was just being nice and her heart just went nuts.

"I'd like to know you better too." Jungeun replied, giving the taller girl a soft smile.

Soulmate Marks (A LipSoul short story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя