Part 8: A little something ಥ‿ಥ

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We continue where we left off with the cool team;). Squall was giving a brief discussion of the job assigned to (Y/N) and Autumn (you're yandereᕙ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ) this would be (Y/N) first mission he proved himself he could handle a fight with his IS... But could he handle a fight without it? Well that's what school has planned for this mission.

Squall: (Y/N) this will be your first mission you proved yourself that you could handle a fight against autumn. Now I want to see how well you do without it. Also autumn will coming with you on the mission.

(Y/N) looks over autumn who winks at him, causing (Y/N) to turn red.

Squall: Alright, now here's what your gonna do so listen up you two. Your both gonna collect some new weapons the military has been making for the IS, also while you're both sneaking into the base if you find any important intel take it. It'll benefit us in future.

(Y/N) gives a nod as does autumn.

Squall: Look for anything in the base thats realted to an academy.

(Y/N): Y-yes ma'am

(Y/N) does a little salute, squall chuckles a little and takes her leave.

Squall: you both leave in 2 hours. A team in a helicopter will be waiting for you outside so be prepared when the time comes.

With that squall takes her leave, leaving (Y/N) and Autumn alone (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ.

(Y/N): S-so what do we do now?

(Y/N) turns to autumn with a smile. Autumn blush's shades of pink.

Autumn: Well? I know what we could do~?

(Y/N) gets chills down his spine and slowly starts backing up. Autumn took notice and smirks at him.

Autumn: (Y/N) where are you going~?

(Y/N): I-i uhhhh...

(Y/N) runs through the door with autumn right behind him.

(Y/N): oh no!  Cursed these damn little legs!

As (Y/N) curses at his little legs for not running fast enough, he notices a door open and is instantly filled with hope. He jumps through the door and quickly closes it. He starts praying she won't find him. Autumn turns the corner, she was confident (Y/N) was the corner. But to she was wrong, although there were rooms. So she searched each one. After a few minutes of searching she came to the final the room. (Y/N) on the opposite side of the door was praying for a miracle to happen.

(Y/N): Please don't let this woman open this door. (;ŏ﹏ŏ)

Autumn was stopped by a voice. Autumn looks to get right to see madoka.

Madoka: Why are you going in my room?!

(Y/N): ...ಥ‿ಥ... Life was good.

Autumn: well I'm looking for (Y/N), i was chasing him and we'll he just disappeared?
Have you seen him?

Madoka: No i haven't, i just got back training. So if you don't mind I'd to go take shower now.

Autumn slowly moves her hand away from the knob and starts looking somewhere else for (Y/N).

Autumn: Well tell me if you see him... I have some unfinished business with him~

Madoka rolls her eyes and enter her room, as she open her door she is met with (Y/N) who stares at her eyes.

(Y/N): 0_0

Madoka: ತ_ತ

(Y/N): i-i could expla-

Madoka: Don't say a word

(Y/N) understands and gets up to head for the door. Madoka stops him, (Y/N) looks at her with a confused expression. Modoka turns around and locks the door.

(Y/N): W-why did you lock the door?

Madoka turns and faces (Y/N) with a smirk.

(What's up guys, i know it's been a while since I last uploaded any of my stories but I'm back this time, i got motivation to start writing againᕙ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ. So with that said I will start uploading more for IS and Sekirei, Rosario+vampire. I've been thinking of making a new stories, so if you have ideas for new story comment down below. I will have 5 spots for new story ideas.)






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