Part 7- Not the only male pilot tanymore.

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IS Academy we're all the girls dream to go to become a professional is pilot. Dream to be taught by the best in the school to be the protectors of the future. Only the best of the best can get in the academy girls work hard everyday to achieve the hopes of getting into the academy one day. But that isn't the case for ichika he somehow managed to get in the academy a all-girl Academy like an all-girl academy one dude hundreds of girls thousands of girl lucky son of a b**** if I say myself anyway how it got in there is a mystery just kidding I'll tell you he got lost in a gym trying to find his way out until he entered a door which holded in is he was astonished of how beautiful it looked seeing it in person!!!, so he went closer a little closer until he was inches away I'm feeling the IS in his palm of his hand as he reachs it to touch the is two security guard came in and told him to stop....but what they saw amazed him and shot them because it was said that no man around the world was able to connect with an IS... but this man ichika, f****** ichika made it possible god damn.... God bless Japan.
But little did he ichika know that there was another man or boy I should say who could pilot another is like him... but this boy was different he was like an angel Sent From Heaven to get revenge for his father be wary ichika the Angel has come....Imperius has come!!


Ichika: This is weird...

As he says that girl's in the entire classroom glare at him.

Ichika: Please let this be a dream!

As he says that, a thick book hits the top of his head.

Ichika:ow!!!! What that f-....

Ichika looks up to see his....sister looking down on him with a fearsome stare.

Ichika: or........ Heheh... Hi Chifuy-

Chifuyu slam the boom on his head again.


Chifuyu:it's Miss.Orimura to you ichika!! Now class i know your all wondering why theirs a boy in the classroom,i don't feel like explaining it to you all but to put it simple,he manage to connect with an IS at one of the tryouts(idk if it was a tryout or not if you do tell me) since that happend he's here now, i do know some of you are against having a male student here, but we have no choice so treat him as if he was a new transfer student, do i make myself clear!

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