Chapter 6: Breakfast

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(Parody of Little Christmas:


(When I am rewriting this, I know it's not Christmas but I'm just gonna leave that there cuz it's catchy- UwU)

Zander hummed a tune, making some breakfast for him, Luke, and his sister, Hailey. The purple boy mixed some peanut butter and some jelly; and he also made some freshly made hot coco. Hailey was reading, until:

"AH!!!! AH, AH AH!!!"

Zander screamed through the top of his lungs and someone carried his wrist from behind and spun him around. Hailey looked back to see if there was anything wrong.

"Luke! Baby, you're gonna make me drop the--" Once the golden eyed boy put his lover down, Zander dropped the bread and it crumbled into little pieces.

"So fragile... like it was meant to break~" Luke sing songed.

"Hey, idiot, you made me drop the bread.." Zander crossed his arms.

"Can we go back to where you called me baby..?" Luke smirked, as Zander blushed and looked away. Luke grabbed Zander's wrist from behind. "Cheer up, I'm feeling better now thanks to you, doctor."

Hailey was watching the whole thing smirking and putting her book aside. Watching Luke and Zander being sweet and cuddly to each other is the best movie ever. She chuckled to herself till Zander heard her.

"Hey! Stop watching!" Zander yelled out to her sister. The blue haired girl groaned and continued to read her book, but looked back at the cute couple.

Once Zander was done with the hot chocolate and the peanut butter and jelly; he gave each to Luke and his sister. Hailey grabbed the remote and saw that the mini-movie "Drarry" was on in the Rosy Channel.

Zander spoke up,"So, uh.. how are you and the rest of the club?"

"We are practicing for the next performance for 5 months. There's still a lot of time. Although, every single time Elliot arrives to come watches us, Milly she gets so flustered and sometimes misses a key in her guitar solo.." Hailey sighed. She then continued. "As for Sean; he is very focused even around Daisy. His beats are doing fantastic!"

"And Jake?" Luke heard Hailey while watching the TV.

"Jake is doing great too," Hailey took a sip of her hot coco. "But, once practice is over he goes to Drew's place to hang out. He almost sounds like he has crush on him; but maybe I'm overthinking things."

Zander chuckled under his breath.

"So, how are you and Luke doing as a quote on quote "Married Couple?"" Hailey smirked then nugged his big, little brother closer to his boyfriend.

Luke took a sip to his hot coco; he looked down to his boyfriend then smirked, he lightly winked at him, turning back at the TV.

"Hailey, we are not talking about the married thing again," Zander huffed. "And, me and Luke are doing fine."

"So, did you learn anything from this experience?" Hailey asked, trying to make the conversation more interesting.

"Taking care of Luke when he's sick is hard.. that's for sure.." Zander said, taking a sip of his hot coco. Then took a bite of his peanut butter and jelly sandwich. He leaned against Luke's shoulders, happily sighing that his sickness finally went away.

"Zander's the best medicine I could ever have.. that's what I learned," Luke wrapped one of his hands on Zander's shoulder, then leaned onto his head. He quietly whispered to his boyfriend, not letting Hailey hear, "I can't wait to be home with you again.."

It caused a purple haired boy's face to become red as a bright tomato.

"Awww.." Hailey chuckled, then looked back at the TV. She heard footsteps coming from upstairs and nobody was there except her parents. She shook her head and smirked. "You know, you two are an amazing couple, just so cheesy."

All of a sudden, a voice suddenly appeared behind the trio. "How our little babies doing?" The three turned back to see Mrs. Wickham and Mr. Austin happily watching their conversation.

Zander and Hailey groaned. "We're fine, mom. What about you and dad?" Hailey asked, sarastically smiling.

"We had a good nights sleep. How about you, Luke dear? Was Zander hard to take care of?" Zander glared at his mom.

"Mom, I was taking care of Luke the whole week!" Zander yelled. Mrs. Wickham chuckled and her son's cheek turned red in embarrassment.

"I'm doing good with Zander," Luke smiled. "He's the best medicine ever when I get sick."

Mrs. Winkham winked. Then, a lightbulb shot to her head. "Oh, and Luke! Your mom said she arrived at your house earlier today. Do you want me to call her and tell you to stay or do you want to go now?"

"Uh.." Luke looked at Zander, then Hailey. The aqua haired girl gave him puppy dog eyes, begging her friend to stay, but Zander made a weak frown. He remembered what he had said to Luke the night before.

"Once this stupid sickness wears off, we'll face your parents together."

Zander nodded and took Luke's hand. He squeezed it lightly. "Actually, there is something Luke needs to do."

Hello fellow Honey Buns!

Fun fact: This was gonna be the ending but I thought that maybe I could add another chapter to this story~
And it will be the last one (finally-)

Also Wattpad yesterday and today has been not friendly towards me, so..I've been nervous to publish cuz of that-

Oh- and announcement:

I'm thinking to write a "Choose Your Own Adventure" story on Wattpad. And I'm thinking to create a CYOA version by my new story "Too Complicated".

But, I might chance my mind on the story I'm gonna do.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and I can't wait to finally write the last chapter after 10000 months of waiting- ;-;

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