Chapter 5: Naps and Parental Issues

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Off topic but.. if you guys know Equestria girls I was thinking: What if The Music Freaks band played instruments and they grow Pony ears, big long hair, and wings when they play--? XD

After spending time at the hospital, the doctors finally let Luke go. Since his parents never took him to the doctors in a while, he had to take 4 vaccine shots. Two on the right and two on the left. (Fun fact: My mom told me I got vaccinated at St. Luke's when I was little so I kind of had inspiration from that moment and made this XD-)

At this time, Zander decided to call Luke's parents to come back to their place as soon as possible; thankfully, they did; and they were on their way to the airport and into the airplane. Their voices were worried sick about Luke and they thanked Zander for taking care of him. They asked a billion questions; especially his mom.

But, Luke wasn't really excited as expected..

They were now back home; but now.. in Zander and Hailey's house, just in case something goes wrong again. They finally got some tylenol medicine for Luke to feel much more better than he was before. They also did small excercises that helped Luke overcome the numbness and pain of the injections.

Now, him and Zander were on the couch talking, while Hailey was fast asleep. Mr. Austin and Mrs. Wickham are also asleep; tired of teasing Zander into sleeping with Luke.

Luke put his head on Zander's shoulder with a blanket wrapped around them on the couch. Zander was eating grapes as usual.

"Zander.." Luke whispered, trying not to wake Hailey up. "You're eating way too many grapes.."

"Yeah, so?" Zander took another bite.

"You're gonna get a stomach ache.. it's the middle of the night.." Luke got Zander's hand that was holding the grapes and put the bowl down.

Zander rolled his eyes and got another grape and ate it. "No, you're just jealous because I'm eating the grapes and not you.."

Luke rolled his eyes and put the grapes away from his boyfriend. Zander groaned, crossing his arms at Luke's actions. "I wouldn't want you to get sick of.. grape-tosis."

Zander huffed in responce. "That's ridiculous! You made that up."

"Yeah, I did." Luke chuckled. "But, I don't want you getting sick of eating way to many grapes late at night. Like I said you're gonna get a stomach ache."

Looking onto the bright side, Luke was feeling much more better. Not because of the medicine; or maybe it was. But, mostly because his best friend slash lover was there. Zander. That's the real medicine.

"Hey, Luke.. off topic but..this is hard for me to say but.. um.." Zander blurted. He hesitated for a moment. Luke tilted his head, at the same time, his heart was beating fast on what his boyfriend was about to say. Zander inhaled and finally continued: "Your..parents." he mumbled.

Those words made Luke release his grasp from Zander. He looked down and crossed his arms- a very unlikey 'Luke' thing to do. "What about them..?"

"I can tell your feeling uncomfortable.." Zander murmured under his breath. He intwined his hand onto his boyfriend, making Luke turn to Zander. Their face were so close, Luke could feel his heart beating rapidly and his cheeks burning hot. "Look, if there's anything you need to tell me, say it. No more secrets, remember?"

Luke sighed. He smiled lightly at his boyfriend and hung his head. "My parents? They've.." there was lump in the auburn's throat and he continued, "They've never been there for me. But, they gave me a lot of things and they weren't enough. Just money things." Zander frowned and held Luke's hand tighter. "All I wanted was to spend my time with them and they have never gave me that...until you came into my life and well.."

Zander cheeks turned red and shook his head. "And..did you ever tell your parents about how you felt?"

"Yes.." Luke said. "I don't know how many times.."

Zander cupped his boyfriends cheeks and wiped Luke's tears away with his long purple sleeves. He smiled at Luke warmly. "I'm glad you told me this.." Then, he gave his boyfriend a confident smirk. "Hey, after this stupid sickness goes away, why don't we face your parents together."

Luke looked at Zander and gave him a worried expression. He felt something sting into his heart. He clung into his boyfriend's pagamas. "Are you sure?"

"You've always been there for me. It's time for me to return the favor."

The Auburn boy's eye widen. He gave Zander a gentle smile and quickly wrapped his arms around him. Luke chuckled in comfort. "I..feel like we switched places."

"Yeah, yeah just go to sleep, stupid." Zander came back to his classical self and rolled his eyes sarastically.

Without thinking, Luke layed his head onto Zander's lap. He felt as if he was more comfortable being with them more than anyone else. Facing his parents is gonna be the toughest thing to do after his sickness goes away, but for now it's just them alone.

Zander put his grapes away and patted his boyfriend's head lightly. He quietly whispered to his auburn's ear.

"I love you so much.."

Published! Hey, here's a Fun Fact for new readers who are reading this story now: In the old version of Home With You, Luke was the one who comforted Zander because of a nightmare he had on Luke being mean to him and going out with Stacy instead. And there were a lot of cheesy parts? So, ever since the last chapter, I changed that and why not make Zander comfort Luke instead- (I flipped tables) UwU

So anyway, my goal is completing this book and then working on "Too Complicated" and finishing it before ep.7 comes out! ^^ I don't know what to do with "Days Gone By" if I'm gonna finish that story or not anymore but Imma try to get things finished this month. Starting with this book!

There's only 2 chapters left and Im pumped up to write them!

See you all soon, honey buns-- I mean Readers~ XD

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