Chapter 17

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(J.K P.O.V)

Late! For the third time this month. Since the beginning of the semester, I have been late a total of six times. In my defence, it's all Jin's fault. He gives me a monster breakfast and expects me to finish it in like ten minutes. I swear he won't let me leave the cafe until I lick the plate clean.

The only good thing that comes out of it is that I get to eat breakfast with Tae and Jimin everyday. I have gotten pretty close with Jimin to the point where he knows about my little (huge ASF) crush on Tae.

Speaking of Jimin, I have had a feeling for a while that there is something going on between him and Yoongi hyung. Yoongi joined Jimin's dance class out of the blue. I know for a fact that Yoongi hyung. Doesn't. Dance! His excuse was that Hobi hyung made him but I asked Hobi and he's not even aware. Anyway, if they do end up together, I would be super happy for both of them. Thy would look so cute together.

I was planning on how I could set them up when I noticed that it was almost the end if class. I didn't listen to anything in this lesson. good thing it was just history. I was already failing anyway. When the class was dismissed, I went to the library to try and go over what I missed last class. I was reading my boring ass history textbook when I dozed of a little. I was lolling my head up and down, trying to stay awake but it was no use.

I was half a sleep when I sensed someone sitting at my table. I decided to ignore it since I was too tired to care. I just assumed was one of my hyungs. It was only when  I heard the clicking of a camera that I decided to finally look up. What I saw made my blood run cold. It was him. The whole reason my life was a messed up pile of shit at one point. The main reason I moved universities. The main reason I can never be the same as my old care free self. 

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