Chapter 7

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(Taehyung's P.O.V)

After Jungkook cut the call, it was my que to go confront Jimin again. I walked into the kitchen to find Jimin cooking the pancakes. I confronted him really calm, not wanting to start another scream fest.

"Jimin, am asking you again. Why? What pushed you to my phone, knowing how shy Jungkook must be considering what happened yesterday, and still call him. You know I trust you enough to let you know my phone password. Heck, I even trust you enough for you to know my apartment code, so I want you to tell me the truth."

After I completed my rant,I patiently awaited Jimin's answer. Jimin finally turned around and confronted me. I gestered for him to state his reason. Jimin stared at me for like what felt like hours and then all of a sudden, Jimin bursted into laughter. I looked back at him for 10 seconds before I couldn't hold it in anymore. I started laughing so hard with him. and what felt like laughing for 5 seconds was actually laughing for 5 minuites. After we both managed to somehow calm down, I once again tried to confront him with the matter on hand.

"Okay but seriously Why did you call Jungkook while I was in the shower?"

"Well I wanted to clear my suspicions."

"The fuck. What suspicions."


"you are obviously out of your mind."

"My guy, are you stupid or are you just to oblivious to realize that Jungkook takes an interest in you."

"Jungkook is probably already in a relationship". 

"What makes you think that."

"When we were talking at the cafe, he brought up some guys named Yoongi and Hoseok or something. I don't really remember but he is probably dating one of those guys.'

"You never know until you ask him yourself and hear what he says."

Actually, Jimin I do know. And me and Jungkook could never be anything more than friends so I won't let myself develope crush on someone who could probably never like me back."

"Suit yourself. Anyways I gotta go teach that dance class soon so Imma head out. See you later. And stop procrastinating. Go pick your car up from the mechanic so you can finally come and pick me up again. Like I have been walking from the studio to here for a week and I don't think I can walk that distance anymore."

It's literally 2 and a half km. like we ran more that that in high school for gym class everyday. Stop complaining."

"Ha. Easy for you to say. Your not the one who dances for 5 fucking hours and then basically walk 3 k-"

"Actually, it's 2 and a hal-"

"Let me talk boy. Anyway, I swear if you don't pick up your goddamn car from the mechanic and then come pick me up, I will break you."

"Why the hell can't you take the subway. That's what I have been taking the 2 weeks my car was being fixed."

"The fuck! did you just say take the subway. Did I not tell you what happened last time I took the subway. Thanks, but I don't need some random 70 year old man feeling my ass."

"Jimin it was one time and the subway was really crowded so he might have just not had any other place to put his hand."

"Boy, are you hearing yourself. I don't care. I refuse for my beautiful bottom to be used as a hand stool. so your gonna pick up your car and come pick me up in 6 hours or else am gonna hurt you."

"Fine. I'll come and pick you up you baby. just get out before your late again and get fired."

"Ya. I'll see ya later."

After Jimin left, I was left all alone to think about what Jimin said about Jungkook. I was left to think about the bubbly boy I met the day before. I was contemplating weather I want to be just friends with Jungkook or more. I then decided he probably has a boyfriend and could never like a low life art major like me. We could never be more than friends  so I promised myself to try not and develope silly feeling for a guy that could never like me back.

After my big decision was made, I turned on the T.V and counted the hours before I had to pick up my car and then get Jimin. As I was watching moment of 18,my phone buzzed. I went to check it assuming it was Jimin texting me  paragraph on how he's gonna murder me if I don't pick him up today. but it was a message from....... Jungkook.

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