Chapter 4

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(Jungkook's P.O.V)

"so do you play overwatch" That's what I asked him, not knowing what else to say. I was also super nervous and shy but I put that all aside to have a conversation with this boy. I was busy mentally patting myself on the back that I didn't hear Tae's answer. 

"Jungkook. Jungkook are you hearing me."

"oh. hehe I'm sorry what did you say."

" aahhh is okay. I get lost in thought often too. Anyway, you asked if I played overwatch and I said hell yea! overwatch is the best game. Like who doesn't play overwatch."

I was super surprised because nobody I knew like overwatch. Jin hyung would scold me all the time for being to attached to the game. Yoongi and Hoseok didn't get the game and thought it was a waste of time, and all the guy and some girls at the high school I graduated at made fun of me for playing it. Even at the university I moved from, people still questioned my love for the game so to meet someone who also played it made my day. It also made me very excited to talk to the Taehyung guy. we talked about everything we love about overwatch and I was happy we could relate. we sat in a booth together, him drinking his caramel macchiato and me drinking my bubble tea. We were having the best time, we didn't even notice Jin hyung standing in front of the kitchen staring at us with a bright and wide smile. It was out of the corner of my eye that I saw him and called him over. 

"hey Jin hyung, what are you doing over there. come here please!"

when Jin hyung was walking towards us, it then came to me. How long has he been standing there staring at us. Not long right. Jin hyung can't go 1 minuite without saying something or having someone to talk to. I brushed the thought out of my mind once he asked a question. 

"hey guys. So I see you guys are bonding well. That's good to hear!"

Me being the super idiot I am, totally forgets Taehyung's presence and start gushing over him to Jin Hyung.

" O my god why the heck didn't you introduce me to him sooner. He is the best, like maybe even better than Yoongi and Hoseok hyung and he's soooooooo cute. I love his hair...... and his face. Did you know he played overwatch. Jin hyung you are so evil. I mean how could you keep such an amazing boy from me."

After saying more embarrassing shit, Taehyung then made his presence known. He cleared his throat and said...

"wow Jungkook, I didn't know you thought so highly of me. O gosh, I'm flattered!"

I was confused at first then I looked at Jin hyung who was actually laughing his ass. I then looked back at Taehyung and realized that I said all of that stuff in front of him.

My eyes widened and my face was redder that a tomato. I grabbed my phone and rushed out of the cafe, but not before telling my new friend I had to do something at home. when Taehyung wasn't looking I also took that chance to mouth an I HATE YOU to Jin hyung and then rushed home as fast as I can.

I video called Yoongi and Hoseok hyung but instead of making me feel better they just laughed t me harder that Jin hyung did. I left the call feeling really angry and embarrassed but I was happy to know that he doesn't hate me. if he did, he would have been awkward about it and ran away or said hateful things or something but he stayed and he even still talked to me after so that's a good sign.

I was going to go to sleep with a smile on my face but that's when I remembered that I forgot to exchange numbers with the Taehyung boy. That made me sad and instead of going to sleep with a smile, I wen to sleep with a slight frown. Little did I know that Jin hyung already took care of that. 

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