Chapter 11

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(Jungkook P.O.V)

The only reason I am standing behind this counter making some girl iced coffee was because Jin was short staffed.  some guy named BB had to go somewhere important. After giving the girl her drink she payed with cash. Something was up with this girl cause when she went to a table, she wouldn't stop looking at me. I decided to look through the money she gave. Between two five dollar bills was a paper with a phone number on it. When I looked up, she noticed that I found the paper and she smiled at me. I internally rolled my eyes and got out a pen from my pocket. I wrote...

" AM GAY AS FUCK " in huge letters and folded the paper. I walked over to her and gave her the paper with a huge smile. I walked away from where she sat and continued on with my day. I was making a cup of dalgona coffee when I heard the bell ring indicating yet another customer. I plastered on a smile and looked up to be met with the handsome face that's been in my head since morning. Standing in front of me was non other that Kim Taehyung himself. we made eye contact as he walked to the station and that made me smile even wider.

" Hey Jungkook. When were you employed??? He said

" Ha! As if. Jin hyung was short staffed so I decided to offer my help."

After I said that, I saw a look on Taehyung's face that resembled relief. Did he not like me enough to be his coworker? Did he not like me enough to be around me for that long? Maybe all the cute moments I thought we had we all one sided.

(Taehyung's P.O.V)

After Jungkook said he was just helping out, I was a little relieved. It's not that I don't want to work with him, is just that if we do end up working together, I don't think I will be able to focus on my work.

Yes, I know I promised myself that I wouldn't catch feelings but I find it becoming super hard. Jungkook has been on my mind a lot recently and I just don't find it possible for me to be able to keep this job if Jungkook were working here. I saw Jungkook's smile falter and I instantly became worried. Shit, he probably saw the relieved expression and took it the wrong way. after this realization, I quickly gave the biggest boxy smile I have ever given. After He saw, he gave a cute bunny smile and started talking.

" So, what can I get for you today" he said

Hhhhhmmmm Can I get 2 iced caps and 1 Chocolate vanilla muffin please".

"Coming right up".

We were kinda just enjoying the comfortable silence while he was preparing my order. I offered to help but he said he got it. I just stood there smiling at him. he looked up a couple times, giving me that adorable bunny smile each and every time. After I was given my drink and pastries, Me and Jungkook just kept talking about random stuff.

I checked the time to see that Jimin would be finishing up very soon. It looks like I lost track of time. I quickly said my goodbyes to Jungkook and rushed out the cafe. Thank god the studio wasn't far from here. As I sat down ready to drive, I noticed how unusually heavy the pastry bag was. It was to heavy to just be a muffin in there. I looked inside and i was right. there was a huge brownie in there and a  note that said....

" Brownie on the house. make sure to say hi to whoever the muffin was for."


I smiled and decided to text Jungkook about it later. Right now I need to focus on not getting my ass beat by the smol mochi.

(A/N: Okay so WHAT. 102 READS!!!!!! like it might not be much but it's still much for me. like even if you only saw the first chapter and left, I am so thankful that you decided to give my book a chance. I put this book up here thinking that nobody will pay attention to it but coming to post today and I saw 102 reads, it really made me motivated to keep going. am sorry for anybody who think that the story is going slow but I want to introduce ALL characters before getting into any drama and Taekookness so please be patient and bare with me. thank you all again and just remember that I love you and you are amazing :)))))))))

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