Chapter 26

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Tyler's POV

"Don't say I didn't try." I said, then walked away.

I didn't want to walk away. I want to tell him how much I need him. The only family I have are my band mates. My mom is my mom and I love her unconditionally, but that feeling isn't mutual. She does a great job at acting like she loves me, though. She's a champion at making me feel like I have a mom who would kill for me.

She didn't visit me once while I was in the institution. Michael told me he wanted to so badly, but they wouldn't allow him in since it was family only.

I started making my way back to the bus. Michael walked beside me.

"So," He said. "what happened?"

I felt tears poking at my eyes.

"He doesn't want anything to do with me."

He wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "Don't cry. I hate seeing you cry."

And I didn't cry. I can't let this bother me. I should have known that Aaron wants nothing to do with me. I should have known that he doesn't care.

Aaron's POV

I know the way I just treated Tyler was terrible. Trust me, I want to fix things with him, but not mom. I know that if I apologize to Tyler, I'll have to apologize to mom. I'm not doing that. I never even want to look at her again, rather than speak to her. She doesn't deserve for me to talk to her. Tyler and I were supposed to be able to count on our mom to love us no matter what. Instead, she ditched us on the streets. She throws us out on the streets, then expects us to forgive her? It's never happening.

Michael's POV

"Are you okay?" I asked Tyler.

That's a dumb question. I know he's not.

"I'm fine." He said. "I shouldn't have told myself it would work. I guess some people are just good at holding grudges."

"Maybe it isn't you." I said. "Maybe it's your mom he doesn't want to work things out with."

He shrugged his shoulders. "Can't let it get to me."


We spent a while at our booth, killing time.

I was trying my best not to let what happened with Aaron bother me.

I was really surprised when Austin Carlile came to our booth to see us.

"Hey, what's up?" He said. "Been a while."

"How have you been, homie?" Scout said.

"Great. Warped has been great just like always." He said. "How are you guys liking it?"

We told him how amazing and cool it's been for us.

"That's how warped is. I'd be on it every single summer, all summer, if I could." He said.

"Definitely." Michael said.

"Yeah." He said. "I should probably get back to the band. It was a great talking to you guys."

"You too." We all said.


Sorry if I'm rushing through things. I really want to get through warped because CRAZY things are coming up!!! Love xx

Please, Don't Speak That Way(Tyler Carter and Michael Bohn fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt