Chapter 12

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Michael's POV

Tyler has been in the institution for a week. He comes home in four days. It's been pretty terrible since he left. He's only been gone for a week and I miss him like crazy. I couldn't imagine him being gone forever.

I really want him to come home, now. I don't want to wait four more days. I want him here. I can't take it any longer.

The guys haven't talked to me much. I think they're trying to give me space. And they're working on placing music with some songs. They told me that they want to get as much done as they can before Tyler gets back. They want to have a good welcome back for him.

Him and I recorded our parts for some of the songs before what happened.

I decided to go visit Tyler's parents. I know that they're going through a lot. Maybe they'd like company.


Tyler's mom answered the door.

"Hi, Michael." She said, smiling.

"Hi, Mrs. Carter."

"I'm so glad you're here. I've kind of wanted to talk with you about something." She said.

Tyler's mom is very kind and down to earth. We sat at the kitchen table and she made cups of tea.

"So," She started. "Tyler told me about you and him."

"What do you mean by me and him?" I asked.

"Well, that he likes you a lot and that you like him." She said.

"He said that he likes me?"

"Oh, God. Yeah. He pointed out almost every thing he likes about you. He said that what he loves the most is how caring you are." She said.

"Mrs. Carter, I just-" I hesitated.

"It's okay. You can tell me."

"I love Tyler. I love him a lot. I want to tell him that so bad. I want him to know." I said.

"Go for it. When you feel like it's the right time, do it. Don't wait too long, though. I know he feels the same way. All you have to do is tell him." She said.

"But, what if he doesn't? It will ruin every-" I started, but she cut me off.

She put her hand on my arm.

"Michael, he does. I promise."

I looked at her. "Really?"

"I'm positive."

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