Chapter 16

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Tyler's POV

The guys are coming over to Michael's for a meet up in a little bit. I've been staying here at Michael's since I got back, which was five days ago.

"So, Tyler," Michael said.

"Yes, Baby Love?"

"One, I really fuckin' love when you call be that. And two, I haven't properly asked you."

"Asked me what?" I said.

"Will you, Tyler Carter, be my boyfriend?"

My cheeks burned. "Of course." I whispered.

There was a knock on the door and it opened.

The guys usually knock and then let themselves in.

"We're here!"

Michael looked at me. "Wanna tell them?" He said.

I smiled and nodded.

Josh, A.J., Scout, and Sky came into the living room.

Josh looked Tyler and I up and down and chuckled. "Are you guys planning on getting dressed anytime today?"

Tyler and I both find sleeping in only our underwear really comfortable. Today we decided that no clothes are the best clothes, so we didn't get dressed this morning.

"Nope." I said.

"So," Tyler started. "We need to tell you guys something."

All attention was on Tyler and I.

"Michael and I," He said.

"We're together." I finished his sentence.

A.J. awed.

They all smiled.

"You know we love you guys no matter what." Scout said.

"Definitely. We're brothers. Brothers stick together." A.J. said.

We all gathered in for a group hug.

"I love you guys." Tyler said.

We started conversing about touring. Craig says we need to get on the road as soon as possible. We just need to release a record and give it a few months.

Tyler sat between my legs like he does a lot. With his arms around my shoulders and mine around his.

I plant kisses on his neck at random moments. He told me that he really likes when I do that. So, of course I do it a lot.

I'm really happy about how the guys took it. It means a lot that they accept us like they do. I couldn't ask for better friends.


This chapter probably would have been up an hour ago, but since I suck at focusing, it took me longer than necessary. I get distracted easy and it makes writing difficult sometimes, haha.

Please, Don't Speak That Way(Tyler Carter and Michael Bohn fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now