Chapter 9

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Michael's POV

It's about eleven at night, now. They told us that Tyler has a eighty-five percent chance of surviving. They also said that he has a slight chance of memory loss. He'll remember us for sure, but he might forget what happened to him. I hope he makes a full comeback and doesn't forget anything. I want him to go back to the way he was before. Smart, intelligent, funny, kind. The only thing I want him to forget about is his depression. I want him to be happy.

He has an IV in his arm. He can't breath on his own, so they shoved a tube up his nostrils that keeps him oxygenated. There's a beeping machine, letting us know his heart is still beating.

They told me that he's improving very well and that he might be awake tomorrow. He most likely won't be able to talk, though.

I know he doesn't have to give anyone an explanation, but I hope he will. I want him to tell us why he did it, so maybe we can help him.

I've talked to Craig on the phone. He asked what we're going to do about the band if Tyler doesn't make it. And of course, the band is the least of my worries. Right now, I'm worried that I'm about to lose my best friend.

I feel really weird for liking Tyler as much as I do. I've liked a man before, but other than that, I've been into women. I don't understand my feeling for him, but I for damn sure have feelings for him.

"A.J., can I talk to you about something?" I asked, he was the only one still here. Everyone else went to go and talk to Tyler's family.

"Totally. What is it?"

"I really like Tyler." I said.

"Uh," He said. "Did you really think I didn't know that?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"It's obvious you guys like each other. Think we don't see they way you look at each other? And Ty told me that he and Sky saw you two almost kiss." He said.

"I just," I started. "I can't lose him. That's such a selfish reason for me not wanting him to go. Most people would say that he has such a bright future, he can't throw that away. I'm just over here hoping I don't lose him."

"That's not selfish, Mike. I hate saying this, but it's selfish of him to hurt everyone around him. He saw what Rachel's death did to people and himself. Him dying would just spread the pain to more people, and he knew that. He may not have realized it, but he knew." He said.

I didn't say anything for a couple minutes.

"It's just, even when I first met him, I was like: Wow, this guy is fucking perfect. He wouldn't tell me what was going for a while and when he finally did, I kissed him. I didn't even think about it, I just did it. It felt like a weight lifted off my shoulders." I said. "I think I love him, A.J."

Please, Don't Speak That Way(Tyler Carter and Michael Bohn fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now