Chapter 19

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Michael's POV

We decided to go out and celebrate after the show. All the Of Mice & Men and Bring Me The Horizon guys tagged along.

From what I've heard, Oliver Sykes is hilarious while drunk. He's pretty funny as it is, so I'm excited to see what it's like when he drinks.

For some reason, Tyler and I switched buses with Alan and Tino. They're on our bus and we're on their bus with the rest of Of Mice & Men. I don't know why. I doubt it will last any longer than a couple days, though.

We got to the club and didn't have to wait long before we got in.

We all got beers and found a spot to chill at. I sat next to Tyler and Matt Nicholls. Matt is a cool dude. Friendly and talkative.

Tyler doesn't drink often, but when he does, he easily gets outta-the-loop.


About an hour passed and we were all getting pretty tipsy. Out of all of us, Tyler has drank the most. He was being very flirty towards me and making everyone laugh.

"I'm going to go ahead and take him back go the bus." I said.

"Okay. We'll be back sometime tonight." Phil said.

I wrapped my arm around Tyler's waist and practically carried him to the bus.

"Where are we going?" He said.

"Back go the bus." I said.

"Why? I thought we were partying."

"We were. Now we're going back to the bus."

"Oh, okay."

His next question caught me off guard, big time.

"Why didn't Rachel come?"

"Tyler," I managed to choke out.

"Oh, wait a minute. I forgot," He said. "she died."

We got onto the bus.

Tyler forced himself out of my embrace and fell to floor, landing on his bottom.

"Tyler, stand up." I grabbed his arms and tried to pick him up to his feet.

"No, let go of me." He slurred.

"You need to go to bed."

I once again attempted to pick him up to his feet.

"I don't want to go to bed!" He yelled, pushing me off of him. "I want to see Rachel!"

I kneeled down and made him look at me.

"Listen to me, Tyler," I said. "I know you miss her. I know you don't want to move on, but you need to. I know it hurts like a bitch, but you have to let go of the past." I said as calmly as I could, but he still wasn't having it.

"I can't let go! I can't forget about her!" He yelled. "Don't tell me that I have to move on!" And with that, he hit me right in the jaw.

Please, Don't Speak That Way(Tyler Carter and Michael Bohn fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now