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Author's Note:
This story is set at season 6, Regionals, when Noah and Richelle perform.

Noah and I take the stage for our duet. I just can't believe that he's leaving. Noah and I have always been on the same level. We've been such good friends ever since we were babies, and I have so many memories with him. I can't believe he's going to leave, but I understand. It's what he needs to do. I love Noah so much, as a person, as a best friend, and it is going to be so hard to watch him go after everything that we've been through together.

It is going to be so hard to do this duet, with emotion, after Elliot breaking up with me, and now having my friend leave A-Troupe. But there wouldn't be anyone that I would rather do this duet with.

As I find my starting position, I think of everything that Noah and I have been through, and it's all so surreal. We started this journey together, and it's only right to finish it with this duet, right now.

I wipe a tear off of my cheek as the music starts.

Our dance is a story about two people who were once lovers, but my character passed away, and is now a ghost. The two people want to have one last dance, just the two of them, before saying goodbye, forever.

We move through the dance, and it's going beautifully. There's a lot of chemistry between us, and it's very highlighted in this piece. I'm really letting my heartbreak drive every move I'm making, because I know that emotion is what's going to win it for us.

When we finish, he puts me down slowly from my position on top of him. He grabs my hand, and we pull away from each other. My face lights up with joy. I can't believe that the dance is done, and that it went so well. It definitely wasn't like that in rehearsal.

Noah pulls me in for a hug and takes me off the stage. "You took that dance to a whole other level," he says, smiling. "I'm so proud of you."

"I wouldn't have wanted to do it with anyone else." I reply. And it's true. If I had to pick one duet parter, out of all of the duets that I've done, it would be Noah.

Noah, who I've danced with my whole life. Noah, who's never once dropped me. Noah, who's always there for me, like right now.

"I really am sorry about Elliot." He says. I can tell that it's genuine, and it's nice to hear that. Most people have just said 'I told you so,' but not Noah. He's the only person right now who understands.

"Thank you."


They're calling the dance captains onto the stage to see who's made it to the top 3. I hope that we get to be in that top 3, but with all of the amazing dancers here today, I'm not sure if that's going to happen.

First, Encore Dance Studio is called. I'm disappointed, but not surprised. Their duet was amazing, and I hate to say it, but they deserved to win.

The next team that is called is...not ours either. Acronation made it to the finals, and Amy squeals on the stage with excitement. I'm happy for her, but I need The Next Step to win. We can't have come this far and go home with nothing.

"And the dance team that placed third is..." Yes? Yes? Who? I can't even move right now, I'm so nervous.

"The Next Step!" The announcer yells. YES! We made it, we actually made it to the top three! I can't even believe it! I'm so exited that I run onto the stage and embrace Noah.

Noah and I did it! We brought our team from 5th to 3rd! That's a huge jump, even for Regionals standards.

He hugs me back tightly as the team runs into the stage to celebrate.

Author's Note:
Second story yay! Also, I changed the layout from my last story because it was a ton of work to put the spaces at the beginnings of the paragraphs.
Thank you to anyone who's reading this!
If you want to, you can comment some ideas for one shots if you'd like me to write them. I know there's already tons of one shots about these couples, but every person can bring something new.

The Next Step- Nochelle and Jiley One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now