I'm Never Going to Leave You

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Author's Note:
First off, 450+ reads? Guys, thank you so much! You guys have no idea how much this means to me! This one shot is kind of a continuation of "Stay...Stay With Me," but it's also sort of it's own plot. Don't forget to vote for the story if you liked it, and comment any ideas for one shots you might have for future one shots that you'd like me to write. Also, please comment if you have any opinions on this chapter, because I'm not quite sure about it and I'd love to know what you guys think. Hugs and kisses from PommyPom34567!

James' Perspective:

Riley asked me to stay with her, so that's where I'll be. Even though my heart is breaking, I'm going to be there for her, because deep down, I still love her. We get out of my car, and walk into the lobby, into the elevator, and up to the 3rd floor, where our apartment is. As we walk in, Riley tenses. Something else is up.

"James. You don't have to be here. I realized how stupid it must've been to ask you to stay. I hurt you, you shouldn't be with me." She says.

"It's okay for now, Riley. I'll stay. Plus, I don't really have anywhere else to go," I say, chuckling at the last part.

She looks up at me and studies my face. It's like she's trying to figure something out, but I'm not sure what. "James," Riley mutters.

"What?" I ask her.

"Why are you acting so calm? You shouldn't be calm, you should be so mad at me. James, I-I cheated on you, and now we're at our house, and you're acting like everything's fine?" Age starts, raising her voice. I can tell more is coming, so I don't say anything yet. "It's not fine, nothing's fine. You're supposed to be in London, at a competition, but you're not, you're here with me, and you shouldn't be! You shouldn't be here, James, not after everything I've done to you. No matter how much you love me, or how much I need you here."

I can tell that she's fighting back tears right now. She feels so unbelievably guilty for what she's done, and she's letting it drive her every word. There's a small part of me that thinks that she deserves to feel guilty for what she's done, but I want to shut it out and listen to my heart. And my heart's saying that I need to comfort her, because if she feels any more guilt, she's going to tear herself apart, and I can't let that happen.

"Ri, I don't care." I say. "I don't care about any of that right now, all I care about is you." I pull her into a hug. "Now go into the bedroom, and get some sleep, and I'll sleep in the couch. I'll still be here when you wake up, I promise."

"Are you sure, James?" She asks in a quiet, nervous voice.

"I'm sure." I let go of her after a moment, and she goes to the next room. I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow.


Riley's Perspective:

I wake up miserable as soon as I remember what happened yesterday. James said that he forgave me, he said that he loved me, he kissed me, he stayed. He shouldn't have stayed. Even though it made me more happy in the moment, I feel so guilty now about what I've done to him.

I hear a rustle in the next room. It must be James. I get out of bed, put my slippers on, and walk into the living room. James is taking the blanket off himself and getting out up off the couch. "'Morning," I say.

"'Morning. How're you doing, Ri?" He replies.

"Um...okay?" I answer. I tried to make myself sound sure, but it ended up coming out as much more of a question than an answer.

"So, not okay?" James asks.

"Pretty much." I walk into the kitchen because I'm hungry, put some water in the kettle and place it on the stove, and put out two bowls for cereal. I open the cupboard as James comes in behind me and take out two cereal boxes—Fruit Loops for James and plain Rice Krispies for me.

"What's really wrong, Ri?" James asks, sitting down and grabbing his bowl, which I just filled with milk. "I mean, besides the obvious."

"Well, the whole Alfie thing. And you staying. And my guilt." I answer. It's a very short version, but it is what's bothering me.

"Riley, I know that you feel guilty, but you need to let it go right now." He says.

"How can I James? I. Cheated. On. You." I say. It's harsh, but it's true. And it's what he needs to hear from me.

"I know. But I also know that you regret it. And I trust you not to do it again."

"How can you?" I ask.

"Because I know you, Riley. Do you regret what you've done?"


"And do you love me?"

"Yes. I do."

"And are you ever going to leave me?"

"No. I'm never going to leave you." I say.

"And that's all I need. To know that I love to, and you love me, and that we're never going to leave one another."

I'm not going to lie, this made me feel a little bit better. The quarrels that we're going to have are far from over, but at least we know the important things.

Author's Note:
So, I'm really not sure about this story, but I wanted to update for you guys, so here it is. Have a great day/night everybody, love you all!

The Next Step- Nochelle and Jiley One ShotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang