The Next Step Season 8 Episode 7

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Author's Note:
Guys?! 2k?! That's insane! Thank you to all of my vocal readers and all of my silent ones, I love you all and I would've never made it thus far without your support. It means so much to me.
Anyway, I've decided not to do a new book for Season 8 for a while, and just keep posting the new parts in this book. Also, there's going to be an author's note at the end as well, so please read it.

Summer's Perspective:

It's been 2 days since our last rehearsal, and I'm excited to get back at it. My mom dropped me at the studio today, and after saying goodbye to her, I climb out of her truck.

I walk into the studio and down the hall to Studio A. Once I arrive there, I'm surprised to see that I'm the only one here, as rehearsals start right about now.

Deciding that I'm going to practice a solo, I go to turn the music on. As I dance, I'm reminded of how much I truly love it. The drama doesn't matter as long as I get to be here, dancing with my heart.

"Oh, hey, Summer," I hear someone say from behind me as I finish my solo.

"Hi, Presley!" I reply. "How're you doing?"

"A little weird, but good." she says.

"Why weird?"

"Uh, I just saw something, umm...out of the ordinary yesterday." Wait a second. Out of the ordinary? I bet I know what she's talking about.



"Did the thing involve two certain people doing a strange thing at the studio?" I ask.

"Actually, yeah." she admits. "Why?"

"No reason." I sputter quickly.

"That's a lie. We're thinking about the same thing." she says. I look her in the eyes and notice it's true.

"So you saw Person A and Person B kiss?" I ask, not giving away the names just in case she didn't see them.

"Yep. And the are higher up in the studio?" she says.

"Yup. Say the names on 3?" I suggest, and she nods. "3..2..1.."

"Noah and Richelle!" we say in unison, then we both start laughing.

"Wow, they're really not keeping it a secret very well." I say sarcastically.

"No, they're not. How many people know?" she asks.

I count out loud. "5 so far. You, me, Izzy, Heath, and Nick."

"That's umm...a lot." Presley observes, giggling a bunch.

"A lot of what?" asks Noah, with Richelle clinging to his arm and smiling. She detaches herself as soon as she noticed Presley, though.

"A lot of people that know about you two." Presley says, as if it's obvious.

"I'm sorry, what?" asks Richelle, shocked.

"Presley saw you guys kissing yesterday." I explain, filling them in. "Just can't keep away from each other, eh?"

"Uh..." starts Richelle, now turning as a tomato. "Yeah..."

"Seriously, you guys have been trying to keep it a secret, but you've been seen by 5 people in the span of 48 hours." I say.

"5?" says Noah, calculating in his head. "Oh, yeah...5. Oops." He starts blushing too.

"You guys should just tell everyone and get it over with." says Presley, matter-of-factly.

The Next Step- Nochelle and Jiley One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now