The Next Step Season 8 Episode 6

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Izzy's Perspective:

Ever since I walked in on Noah and Richelle kissing—which was like 10 minutes ago—I've needed to tell somebody. I'm just searching for the perfect person to tell.

All of the sudden, I bump into someone. "Sorry, Izzy." he says.

"It's okay, Heath." I say back. Heath is actually one of my good friends now. Since Ozzy's not here anymore, I thought it would be perfectly fine to get to know him. He turns to keep going, but I stop him before he does. "Wait, Heath! I need to tell you something." Oh no. Sometimes my mouth has a mind of its own.

I pull him into Studio 1 and make sure we're alone. I can at least make sure no one else finds out. "I saw something and I need to tell somebody."

"Okay, Izzy. You can tell me. I promise I won't tell anyone."

"I saw Noah and Richelle kissing!" I blurt out.

"Wait, really?" he asks, shocked.

"Yeah, really." I say.

Then he starts laughing for a reason I can't think of. "Poor Oswald!" He says. Of course that's what he would think of first. "He's lost his dream girl to another man once again!"

"Yeah, yeah." I say. "But Heath..."

"You really can't tell anyone. They probably don't want anyone else to know." I say.

"Anyone else to know what?" Summed asks as she walks in.

"Noah and Richelle kissed!" Heath yells.

"Heath!" I scold. "I just told you not to tell!"

"I'm sorry, it just slipped out." he says bashfully.

"Wait." Summed says. "Noah and Richelle kissed?!"

"Okay, yes." I admit. "But Summer, Heath wasn't even supposed to tell anyone. So you absolutely cannot."

"Don't worry, I won't." she says sweetly. "Your secret's safe with me. But wait, how do you know?"

"I saw them in Studio A." I explain. "They were kind of arguing it seemed, and then he kissed her. I didn't hear anything, and I walked out before I saw anything else."

"Okay." Summer says. Then she looks down at her wrist, checking her watch. "Guys, we've got to go. It's almost time for rehearsal."

"Okay, let's go. And we tell no one what happened here?" Heath questions.

"Yup." Summer and I say in unison. We look at each other smiling, then head to Studio A.

Richelle's Perspective:

"Noah, would you stop!" I tell him, laughing as he kisses my face repeatedly. "Just because we're in a relationship now doesn't mean you can do this, especially when I'm working."

"But you're so pretty," he says innocently. "One kiss and then I'll stop.

"Noah, I really have to get this done." I say.

"Please?" he begs, using puppy-dog-eyes.

"Fine. One kiss. But that's it." I say, giving in. I feel his lips on mine as soon as I stop talking, and I smile against them.

"What?" I ask, noticing his shocked expression as we pull away.

"Riche," he says slowly. "Turn around."

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