Follow My Heart

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Author's Note:

Hi all! So, my publishing's a bit weird, but I did publish Episode 6 of Season 8, it's right before Broken. I also have noticed that when that weird publishing thing happens, it's done it to 2 other stories, Proposal and Season 8 Episode 4, so if you haven't read them, I strongly suggest you do, they're actually some of my favorites! This story's based off of the episode Bold As Love, in Season 4. Happy reading!

Riley's Perspective:

I'm driving to the airport, ready—or almost ready—to go on a trip with Alfie. Something doesn't feel right, though. I just don't know what.

Half an hour later, I arrive at the gate Alfie told me to meet him at. Seeing him waiting for me with flowers in his hand just makes everything abundantly clear.

Now I know what I have to do. And I know where I have to go. But it's not with Alfie. It never was, I know that now.

Another half an hour later, and I'm on a plane. I plane to the place I know I need to be right now, to be with one specific person.

"Miss? Can I get you anything from the cart?" the flight attendant asks me, drawing me out of my daze.

"No, thank you," I say quickly. I'm too nervous to have anything to eat right now. I need to focus, and I need a plan.

There's no way that I'm going to be able to get through to him after what I did, so I need to choose my words carefully. I don't have much hope, I know it's probably not going to well when he sees me. But I need to try.

Many, many, many hours after, I arrive. In London. I followed my heart, and it led me here. To the building I'm standing outside. I take a deep breath, and walk in.

I rehearsed what I was going to say on the plane, but—just like in dance—no amount of rehearsal time could ever make me feel prepared for this. I just don't know what's going to happen.

I enter the lobby, and hear cheers...for the other team. What? How could The Next Step not be winning? There's only one possible explanation. Me.

James is battling another team...and he's losing! Because of me. I broke his heart, and apparently, I hurt his dancing too. Oh no. I've got to make this right.

Taking slow steps up the ramp is making me so, so nervous. But I keep going because I know that I need to. For me, and for James.

Seconds are feeling like hours as my heels click on the metal. One more step. Come on, Riley, you can do this. One more step.

I see James first, over by West and Eldon, and by the looks of it, stressing. James never, ever stresses. Hopefully he'll be better after this, and not worse.

West and Eldon see me before James does, and they look shocked, but happy. "Yo, man. Look who's here." West says to James. And James turns around.

I scrap my plan and walk towards him, and he pulls me into a hug. I want it to last forever, but I have some things I need to say, so I pull away.

"I love you. It's always been you, I'll always love you, and I'm so sorry for what I did but you're going to have to find a way to forgive me—"

And then I'm cut off my his lips crashing hard against mine. We kiss for a while, until we both pull away and lean against each other, our foreheads touching.

"No go get 'em." I say.

"Alright." He answers, smiling.

Nothing could ever make me happier than this moment, right now. When I'm with James, everything feels right.

Author's Note:

This note's going to be long, sorry guys. So, I've decided that I'm for sure going to make my Season 8 episodes a book, but umm...I don't know what to call it. If you guys have any ideas, please put it in the comments, I'll absolutely give full credit to the one I choose.
Secondly, I'm also making a new book, and it's going to be called A Love as Hard as This. It's going to be a Nochelle fanfic, about my imagination of their entire journey. It's going to be drama filled, and I can't wait for you guys to read it!
Okay, that's it. Have a great day/night everybody! Love you all!

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