Chapter 6: Breaking the News

Start from the beginning

"What did you just say?" 

"I-I said-" Hanabi repeated before he was interrupted.

"I know what you said." Hinata paused. "Do you know what the consequences for this are?"

"Y-Yes, Onee-sa-"

"Don't call me that. Not anymore." Tears started to well up in her eyes.

"But-" Hanabi attempted to again before she was interrupted, again.


"H-How do you even know I slept with him?" Hanabi asked.

"What else could have happened then?!" Hinata asked. Hanabi stammered tried to come up with an excuse.

"Out." Was all she said.

"Onee-san, please, let me explain, you don't know the full stor-"

"LEAVE!" Her voice caused Hanabi to flinch. Hanabi had tears starting down her face. Once she left, Hinata let her own tears flow. Her voice felt sore, probably because barely ever yelled. She didn't care though, this was justified, in her opinion.

She felt cheated, she had supported him his whole life, she never turned on him. Most of the Konoha 12 had disliked Naruto at one point, but not Hinata. So why? Why was she the one who had to suffer? 

Now, her younger sister, who was put on a pedestal by the clan for nearly their entire lives, got to marry him, and she didn't even have feelings for him. It felt wrong, Naruto hadn't even responded to her confession when she was defending him from Pain. Speaking of Pain, she willingly sacrificed her life for him, on multiple occasions. Hinata really wanted to hurt someone right now, specifically Hanabi. But she restrained herself.

Hinata was losing hope, losing hope of everything.


Hanabi tears were still streaming down her face, she was headed toward her room when she heard a voice, a voice coming from the council room. Great, more drama, just what she needed. She stood by the door and put her ear to it, deciding that things couldn't possibly get worse.

Boy was she wrong. 

"I have good news and bad news." Hisashi's muffled voice could be heard from the other side of the door.

"The bad news is that Hanabi has broken a clan rule." Hanabi heard gasps.

"What rule?"

"I don't know why we praised her so much when it was clear that Hinata was the right decision to be the heir." Hanabi frowned at this, but it wasn't anything she wasn't used to. She'd overheard things like this often, but she pushed through it. Hisashi cleared his throat before he spoke again.

"Hanabi Hyuuga has broken rule 27 of the Hyuuga. She has been seen nude by one Naruto Uzumaki of Konoha, I'm sure you all know who he is."


"That Naruto?"  Hisashi once again cleared his throat and spoke again.

"This will no doubt boost the Hyuuga's influence throughout the Five Nations. They will think that Naruto declared a woman with the Byakugan worthy of his hand in marriage, causing the Five Nations to notice our presence. We will be known as the most powerful clan now that the Uchiha, Senju, and Uzumaki Clans are nearly extinct." The council members shared their reactions, most of them good.

Hanabi on the other hand was fuming. How dare they use her for something like this! Was this why Naruto couldn't do anything about it? Because her father found out that Naruto was the one she was supposed to get married to? So yeah, things apparently could get worse. 

Angry, Hanabi did the one thing that she knew what piss off her father, barging in. She opened the door and began walking toward her father, her face stern.

"Hanabi?! What the hell are you doing in here?" 

"Is that what this was about?" Hanabi asked. "You're only doing this for power and influence? What about how I feel? I didn't want to do this!" She felt tears well up in her eyes once again and mentally cursed herself for being so emotional. Hisashi turned around, his look full of anger and rage.

"Hanabi, you have a job to do as a Hyuuga! You have responsibilities, all heir have responsibilities this shouldn't be a big deal to you!" Hisashi raised his voice, trying to restrain the anger in him.

"But it is a big deal, you guys are forcing me to marry someone I don't like! Not in that way, I think. So no, I'm not doing this anymore, I can't  do this anymore, I just can't." Hanabi turned to walk out of the room.

"Hanabi, you have to do this, you are a Hyuuga, and if you don't go through with this, you will be disowned."

That one word kept echoing in her head. The weight of having to live up to the Hyuuga's expectations just wouldn't leave her. She had to choose between herself and her clan. But at the same time, what did she have left? She was sure that Hinata hated her now, and her father was probably the person she hated right now.

So she was now alone, in the Hyuuga clan, there was no left. Sure she was friendly with some people, but most of them were from the branch family, and the main house and branch house didn't interact  with each other often. 

"If this is my responsibility as a Hyuuga, then I don't want to be a Hyuuga anymore." The Hyuuga elders including Hisashi gaped at Hanabi's statement.

"Hanabi, you don't know what you're talking about." Hisashi said, seething with anger.

"You heard what I said. I'll come to get my things tomorrow." Hanabi said, a single tear running down her face. Her back was facing the elders, so no one saw her.

"What things? Everything you own has been paid for by the Hyuuga, you have nothing." Hisashi said in an attempt to bluff Hanabi into coming back.

"T-That's fine." She sniffled, her voice breaking.

"Alright then." Hisashi said. He doubted that Hanabi would last a week on her own, he thought she'd come right back to the Hyuuga. Besides, the daughter of a clan head couldn't just leave their clan that easily. So, he could wait a few days, she'd come back.

Hanabi walked out of the room, and out of the compound. She turned around and stared at the building. It might be the last day she'd be in it. It was already night, and pretty cold. Her eyes were red and puffy, tears just kept pouring out of her eyes. She couldn't stop them, and she didn't even think she wanted to stop them. Still, Hanabi had a question lingering in her mind.

Where would she go from here? She now had no family, and the number of friends she had was very limited. Speaking, or rather, thinking of her friends, she came up with one place she might be able to stay. 

A Mistake Not Meant to Bear Fruit [Naruto x Hanabi]Where stories live. Discover now