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~Techno's perspective~

Today we were going to the beach.. There were so many things wrong with the beach.. For starters it was hot, outside, it had bad service, and you couldn't even see beneath your feet! Not to mention you don't know what lives in the dark water..

I got ready putting on a red t-shirt, navy blue shorts, and sandals. I walked downstairs where everyone else, except Tommy, was ready.

I could hear feet running down the stairs and I was suddenly on the floor. I already knew what happened. 

"Tommy, off.."

"Sorry Techno."

He got off of me and I sighed.

"Let's just go.."

"Alright everyone in the car!"

We all got into the car and Phil started driving us to the beach.

We soon made it to the beach with everyone hopping out happily. I hesitated before I got out of the car walking towards the trunk to help get the things they were gonna swim with. 

"Something wrong Techno?"


"Alright c'mon guys, let's go get in the water."

Everyone got what they needed and got into the water, with Tommy splashing them both. I chuckled and looked around to see no one. What was to expect? This place was private! I began thinking. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to go into the water a bit, maybe just at the shoreline.

I got up and walked over to the water, taking my shirt off. I put my hair up into a tight bun and sat down in the water. The water was a nice cold temperature and surprisingly I liked it. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the peaceful moment.


I opened my eyes to reveal a waving Tommy.


I yelled back.

"Come out here with us! It'll be fun!"

I was unsure of what to do but I finally got up, slowly walking out deeper. I felt something brush against my leg and I shivered a bit but continued anyway.

"What now?"

I was very uncomfortable since I couldn't see clearly under my feet.

"Let's go climb the rocks over there!"

I looked over to where he was pointing and nodded. We soon made it to the rocks and I was the first one up. Soon after Tommy climbed up.

"Why did you wanna-"

I felt myself being pushed off the rock, over to the deep end. I quickly closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I couldn't swim in dark water because I was too scared to move. I slowly began sinking. I didn't know what to do.. I was too scared and I can't hold my breath forever. It's been two minutes under the water and I started getting light-headed.. I felt something brush against my arm and I started to tremble. I felt an arm wrap around me and an air bubble form around my head. I was breathing in and out quickly since I needed air so badly. I felt myself begin to cry, and I was surprised by this since I never cry. I wrapped myself around the person, who I assumed was Wilbur. I was then lifted out of the water with Wilbur walking towards shore. I opened my eyes to see Wilbur's eyes glowing the dark blue they glow when he's upset or mad. I laid my head down on his shoulder.

"Just take deep breaths.."

I nodded slightly, doing as he said. I closed my eyes as I breathed in and out.


"I-i'm ok.."

I lied. I didn't want him to hurt Tommy.

"I won't hurt him, don't worry. But I'm telling dad.. Cover your ears.."

I quickly covered my ears, already knowing what he was gonna do. After about a minute he tapped my shoulder letting me know it was alright to uncover my ears. I closed my eyes and felt myself being set down in a seat. It was hard to hear the things around me but I knew Wilbur brought me to the car. Tears were still going down my cheeks. I soon drifted off to a dark abyss.

I woke up with a jerk, opening my eyes.

"Hey, calm down it's alright.."

W room with something wet on my head. I groaned and laid back down, with a throbbing headache.

"You did something to Tommy, didn't you..?"

He slightly nodded, taking a rag off my forehead.

"One, you can't swim in dark waters. Two, you have many fears that most people don't know of, and three he pushed you off a fucking rock!"

He yelled the last bit making me wince a little.


I nodded and he engulfed me into a tight hug. I slightly hugged back since I didn't really like hugs.

"Sorry, sorry.. Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I think so.."

"What did you do to Tommy?"

He looked at me with a nervous grin.


"Alright, alright. I may have dunked him many times in the water.."

Wilbur left the room to Phil calling him downstairs. He soon returned with two plates of food. I shifted in his bed so he could sit down next to me.

"Wanna watch some movies downstairs after we eat?"

"Sure, I don't mind.."

I chuckled a bit with Wilbur giggling along. We ate our food and made our way downstairs. We washed the plates and then sat down next to Phil and Tommy on the couch. Tommy got up and began to go upstairs. I used my ability to lift him up in the air slightly so he couldn't go up any further.

"Where do you think you're going? Come sit next to me!"

I plopped him down next to me on the couch smiling. He had a small smile on his face.

"Alright so what movie?"

"I guess horror?"

I was about to reject but didn't and let it play anyways. They decided on Annabelle home coming and I snuggled up against Wilbur with Tommy snuggling up to me. Wilbur laid his head on Phil's shoulder and Phil was smiling. We all soon fell asleep with me not paying that much attention to the movie.

Sbi oneshots (Old, very very old.) Sorry requests closed.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant