~What about Philza..?~

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~Philza's perspective~

It's been a long and stressful day at work with my boss yelling at me to work a bit harder.

At least I have my kids to cheer me up though!

I unlocked the door with my tired eyes as I heard screaming and arguing upstairs.

I sighed as I put my coat up along with my keys.

I walked upstairs halfway and almost falling.

"Phil, you ok?"

"Y-yes just tired.."

"If you say so.."

I sighed and went into Wilbur and Tommy's room as they screamed at each other.

I stared at them blankly and they immediately shut up.

"Now what happened..?"

They both began at the same time.


I spread my wings out in a stressful mood and snapped by accident.


I had anger in my voice as I slowly calmed down.


I looked up at both of them and gestured to Wilbur to tell me what happened.

"We started fighting about who's turn it was and who does chores today, Techno quickly backed out not wanting it to go any further but it did.."

I looked over at Tommy and he nodded in agreement.

"I'll be downstairs making dinner, get along.."

They both nodded and I turned around and went out the door to the kitchen.

"Boys, dinner!"

They all rushed downstairs and sat at the table as I handed them their food.

"Now what do we say?"

"Thank you Dad!"

"Thanks Phil.."

I nodded and we began eating our food.

~Timeskip to bedtime~

I finished tucking Tommy in and he whined.

"C'mon dad I'm not a baby anymore!"

"Well you're still gonna be my baby boy forever.."

I hugged him and smiled.

"Goodnight Toms.."

"Goodnight Dad.."

~Time skip to morning time~

I slammed my fist onto the table editing a late video for my channel.

I looked at the time and saw it was 6:37.


I started getting ready for work and put my cloak on to cover my wings.

I ran upstairs and woke the boys up for school.

I quickly made breakfast and gave it to them.

"Boys take care and get to school on time but I have to go now!"

I ran outside while grabbing my hat as the boys giggled behind me.

"Love you guys!"

I closed the door and ran down the street to the office.

~Time skip to after his job after he got fired~

I walked home slowly ready to pass out at any second.

I splashed the water I had, in my face to wake me up.

I walked to the graveyard and went to my parents grave.

"Hey mum, hey Dad.. I miss you guys.. I just got fired from my job today, but at least I can still pay for food and bills with YouTube!"

I smiled as a series of tears streamed down my cheeks with my face turning redder.

"I'm sorry for all the fights we had when I was younger.. is this.. is this just karma..?"

I sighed and got up. I stretched my wings out and began to fly home since it was way past dark.

I finally made it home but forgot I didn't get the keys this morning.

 I sighed and knocked on the door.

"Guys it's Philza.. please let me in.."

It started to rain, oh great.. I mean I couldn't complain since I loved to feel the rain on my wings and skin.

The door finally opened and there stood a Techno with a worried look.

"What happened?!"

He pulled me inside and went to the bathroom and got a towel.

"I'm alright, just got rained o-"

"Lair, you did this yesterday too, you were crying weren't you..?"

I sorrowfully nodded as he hugged me tightly. I hugged him back and started sobbing which woke the other two up. 

They quickly ran downstairs and looked at me crying into Techno's shoulder.

"I also lost my job today and I'm worried I won't be able to take care of you boys.."

"Phi-.. Dad, don't worry about any of that. Me and Wilbur are working part time jobs as well as Tommy to help with everything else."

Techno smiled as he looked behind me and I felt two hands of different sizes touch my back.

I turned my head and saw Tommy and Wilbur. They all tackled me into a hug. We sat in the hug for five minutes and I finally spoke up.

"I-i should probably go get cleaned off.."

We all laughed as I got up.

"After I get out of the shower movie night?"

They all nodded.



I looked at them all and laughed as I went into the bathroom and took a shower.

I got out and got dressed and I went to the living room and grabbed the remote from the boys who were fighting over it.

"Alright what genre?"




We all looked at Techno and laughed as I picked a scary movie.

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