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Phil sat up and stretched his wings out and sighed. Phil was constantly on his computer working and streaming. He requested for the three of his sons to stay out while he was in. Phil was tired and he had bags under his eyes. Before he knew it he fell asleep on his keyboard.

Phil woke up in his bed with sweat dripping off his forehead. He tossed the blanket to the side and sat up. He groaned as he had a throbbing headache. He rubbed his templates and groaned. He didn't feel too well either. His nose was stuffy and his throat hurt. He thought to himself out loud.

"Am i sick..?"

He quickly pushed the thought away and used his nightstand to get up. He never did that. He looked at his clock and saw it was 4:15. He made his way out of his room and went downstairs to the bathroom. He nearly fell over while going down the stairs as he kept tripping over his foot. He reached for the medicine cabinet and grabbed the thermometer. After he checked the temperature and groaned out of frustration. His wing touched the back on the cold bathroom wall and he flinched. His wings were really sensitive when he was sick. He was snapped out of his thoughts as he heard footsteps making their way down the stairs. He already knew it was Techno because of how low and quiet they were. He silently walked out of the bathroom seeing Techno in the kitchen.

"What are you doing up this late?"

Techno flinched and looked at Phil with tired eyes.

"I- I just wanted some water..?"

"I know you haven't- *cough*"

Techno's eyes we're now lit up in surprise and concern.

"You ok dad-"

Phil collapsed onto the floor coughing. Before he knew it he had passed out again. Phil could hear faint voices and he slowly opened his eyes.

"Please Techno! We just wanna see hi-"

"No, and be quiet you'll wake him up! I don't need both of you getting sick to!"


"A no is a no.."

Techno gave him a death stare as he walked downstairs to make some soup for Phil. Tommy gave a mysterious Grin to Wilbur and silently walked into Phil's room.


Phil opened his closed eyes and looked at Tommy and smiled. Tommy engulfed him in a hug.

"Will you be alright..?"

"I'll be fine Tom's. I just need to rest more.."

Tommy raised his hand and touched his wing. Phil flinched as Tommy began to stroke his wings. Phil would always find comfort in people doing that.

"Will you get better soon..?"

"Yes Tom's, yes I will.."

Tommy stopped petting his wing as Techno came in with a mad glare and some soup in his hand. Tommy waved sheepishly to Techno and Techno handed the bowl of soup to Phil. Phil sat cross-legged as he began to eat. Techno urshed Tommy out of the room and sat beside Phil. After Phil got done Techno made him lay down to rest.

"Thanks Techno.."

"No problem.. sleep well Dadza.."

Phil chuckled a bit at 'Dadza'.

"Goodnight my son.."

And with that Techno left a sleeping Phil in his room.

"Now it's our turn to take care of you!"

Tommy giggled as he practically jumped onto Techno. Wilbur smiled at Techno as he rolled his eyes. Tommy dragged him to his room and sat Techno down on the bed. Tommy got into the bed with him, dragging Wilbur on to. Techno wrapped his arms around his two brothers and they soon fell asleep cuddling.

It was the next morning and Phil sat up looking around his room making sure he was safe. He would often do that when he was sick because of the house he lived in before his parents were divorced. Once again Phil heard his son's distant voices.

"He's been asleep for like three days..! Are you sure he's ok..?"

"He's sick Tommy! And he sure of hell needs the sleep, go help Wilbur clean up downstairs.."

"Why don't you do it-"

"I have to wait till Phil wakes up.."


Phil could hear Tommy quickly going down the stairs and chuckled a bit. To that Techno opened the door a bit and peeked in. Once he saw Phil was awake he opened the door and went inside.

"Hey Dad."

"Hey Techno, I'm feeling better than the other day.. Do you think-"

"Yeah, you can go downstairs but first you're gonna eat some soup."

Phil chuckled at his response. He didn't even get to say the rest of his sentence. Phil got up and Techno helped his walk downstairs so he wouldn't trip. Phil had his wings tucked behind his back but slightly slugged down. After getting Phil downstairs Techno sat him down on the couch. Wilbur sat down next to Phil handing him a cup of hot tea.

"Thanks Wil.."

Wilbur smiled and nodded as he slightly hugged his dad. Phil flinched slightly but hugged him back. Tommy sat down next to Phil and joined in on the hug as Techno came back to the living room with soup. Everyone let go of the hug and Techno handed the soup to Phil.

"Thanks Techno.."

Techno nodded and sat down beside Wilbur, closing his eyes. Tommy turned the TV on and they began watching it. They all slowly, one by one, fell asleep on each other cuddling.

(Art was not mine)

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