Chapter 2: Something Missing: Sophie's POV

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It was chaos.

Sophie was hiding behind the sturdy counter, taking deep breaths as the gunshots and yells came from all directions.

She'd arrived at the bank, hiding her truck in an alley in between two small stores. Sophie had ran the rest of the way, the streets anonymously quiet and empty.

Where were the reinforcements?

Sophie peeked her head out of her hiding spot and saw the two opposite groups tackling each other. Although, Sophie couldn't tell if it was actually two different groups or three. There were the people in dark hooded cloaks, the very few policemen in their uniforms and yet another group that just had normal clothes on.

Maybe they were citizens?

But why were they fighting with the policemen (from what Sophie could tell), shouldn't they be taking refuge if they were citizens?

Had she missed something?

Her radio had been cutting off in between words, even though she had assumed that had been the bad connection.

But how would that affect this?

It didn't make any sense.

Maybe Dex could take a look at it...

Sophie took in a deep breath and exhaled.

Now she was overthinking things. She was here to protect the policemen, not worry about stuff that didn't matter.

Maybe she'd look into it later, but now was not the time to be distracted. One wrong move and it was a matter of life or death.

However, Sophie wasn't too worried about getting shot, considering the fact that only a few people in either group had guns. Plus, both groups had terrible aim. She swore they were almost as bad as storm troopers. Almost. Sophie was pretty sure no one would ever beat stormtroopers in a competition of who- has-the-worst-aim. Except maybe her.

Sophie yanked out a loose eyelash.

She was getting distracted again.

Sophie blocked her parents' screams out of her head and sighed.

What if Dex was right?

What if she couldn't do this?

Sophie had been fighting crime since she was fourteen and the entire time she'd done it for her parents. But now that she thought of it, she didn't do it just for her parents, she did it for others. To do something helpful with her abilities. To save lives.

What else was she supposed to do with her life?

What better way to live her life?

To help others live another day.

Stop the idiots who take lives without a second thought.

To be a hero.

Just like her parents. They hadn't deserved to die. They still had so much to live for.

Sophie's hands fisted as angry tears rolled down her cheeks.

Why had they died?!

Why not her instead?

Her life was worthless compared to theirs.


Sophie's thoughts came to a halt as she spotted a policeman helping up one of his colleagues as a hooded figure creeped up behind them with a gun in hand. Pointed right at them. 

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