Chapter 13: Prison Break: Sophie's POV

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Watching Disney movies and eating extremely greasy pizza with her best friend? Sophie couldn't have thought of a better way to spend the rest of the afternoon.

After stopping a robbery from occurring (actually the robber with all the jewelry got away, but Sophie and Funkyhair had knocked out two of the robbers so hopefully the police caught them), saving Funkyhair's life (that was mostly Dex though) and telling Dex about her parents' murderer thing she felt absolutely exhausted.

So after watching two Disney movies, Sophie decided to head home. Before she left she gave Dex a goodbye hug and told him thanks for saving Funkyhair's life, apologized for the mouse head situation, and survived the triplets mighty hugs as they said bye. Lastly, Sophie turned to Dex's parents:

"Thanks for having me and sorry to come uninvited."

"You know you're always welcome, Sophie," Kesler, Dex's father said with a wide grin. Sophie had been friends with Dex and known the Dizznee family since she was about six years old. So about 10 years now.

She also had been six when she manifested. The Dizznees knew all about her abilities and had always been supportive, promising to keep the secret. They were practically a second family to her. When her parents had died when she was twelve, the Dizznees took her and Amy in until Edaline and Grady, Sophie's adoptive parents, adopted Sophie and her sister.

Edaline was Juline's (Dex's mother's) sister. So when Edaline and Grady adopted Sophie and Amy, the Dizznees, sort of, officially became part of the family even though Sophie already thought of them as family.

Sophie smiled back and turned to the Bex, Lex and Rex, "See you later, Munchkins." Munchkins was one of the many nicknames that Sophie had for the triplets that had stuck over the past years.

Rex groaned, even though he was hiding a grin, "We're thirteen. That nickname is getting old."

"Fine, would you prefer little bro?" Sophie questioned, trying not to laugh at the look of horror on Rex's face.


"You have grown taller," Sophie said. Rex was only a few inches shorter than her, either that meant he was super tall for his age or that she was short for a sixteen year old. "I guess we can go with big bro."

Bex fell to the floor laughing and Lex snorted.

"You know what? Munchkin is just fine," Rex said, blushing the same shade of pink as his wild strawberry blond hair.

"Bex, Lex give your brother a break," Sophie said.

"Which brother are we talking about here? Cause I'd love a break from them pulling pranks every few seconds," Dex said, shooting a glare at his siblings.

"Ok, correction. Give both of your brothers a break," Sophie mended, heading towards the door. "See you tomorrow Dex! Bye guys!"

Sophie shut the door and stepped into her car and immediately gagged at the acid smell that hung in the air.

She glanced over at the passenger's seat and saw the cause of the smell. A thick, yellow sluggish liquid was all over the passenger's side.

Great, now she had to drive home with Funkyhair puke all over her car floor.

Sophie tried not to breathe as she drove home. She'd have to clean that up before school tomorrow because there was no way she'd make it without passing out.

Once in the parking lot, Sophie got out of the car relieved to breathe in the fresh air. Well, as fresh as the air can be in a big city. Sophie made her way through the apartment building until she reached hers, opening it with the spare key Edaline had insisted she have in case of emergency.

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