Author's note

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Hi! First off, so sorry it took me almost three months to finally write this chapter. I just really wasn't in the mood to write at the moment, so once again, sorry. Aaaanyways, a few things you should know before we begin this chapter: 

1. We finally get Tam's POV!! Most Kotlc fans probably already figured out that Bangs Boy was Tam, so I don't think this is really a spoiler...But if there are non-kotlc readers out there, than apollogizes (I'm so sorry couldn't resist XD) for that sort of spoiler.

2. In the kotlc series Shannon Messenger never really specifies Tam and Linh's ethnicity, so I just decided to make them Chinese Americans (hope that's okay with you guys). But if I ever write anything that is stereotypical and/or rude to their culture and race, please let me know right away.

3. Tam and Linh's parents in this fanfic will be semi-decent, just because, yeah...

4. I made a couple of edits to the older chapters because I realized that I forgot to add a couple things. So, the most important edits were in chapters one and fourteen. Here are the edits I made in case you want to know, but would rather not go all the way back to look for them.


Chapter 1: She paid no attention to the unnaturally dark shadows that began surrounding her parents' murderer. Nothing mattered anymore. Her parents were gone.

In the next chapter (chap. 16) this edit will make a lot more sense. 

Chapter 14: Keefe decided to call his work to inform them he was "sick" and that he wouldn't be able to go for a week or two. By then it was already 2:00 P.M.

In one of the previous chapters (chap. 8) I mentioned that Keefe has a job at McDonalds, so I decided to say that he called in sick, so he didn't just disappear from his job with no trace, ya know?

5. Finally, thanks for  1K views! I know for a lot of people that may seem like a little, but for me that's quite a bit cause I didn't' think anyone was ever going to read this lol. :) Anyways, thanks so much!

Hope you enjoy the next chapter!! 

- Supreme Booknerd

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